Addressing Intolerance Unit 3
Texts All The Light We Cannot See, Anthony Doerr Night, Elie Weisel “Auschwitz Death Camp: Oprah and Elie Wiesel” “What Americans thought of Jewish Refugees on the Eve of World War II” – Washington Post “The Objectification of Muslims in America” – The Atlantic “World War II In A New ‘Light’: Empathy Found in Surprising Places” – NPR Race: The Power of An Illusion - PBS Make a note: we will probably not make it to all of these
Assignments Guided Notes Packet Journal Entries Public Service Announcement “Finding Your Way” In Class Essay (and extra credit opportunity)
All The Light We Cannot See Anthony Doerr
All The Light We Cannot See World War II, France and Germany Timeline Three way narrative Intolerance is shown in many different forms, some are more obvious than others Long novel, but it reads very quickly What do you remember about World War II? Why would the author use more than one main character to narrate the story?
Anthony Doerr Born and raised in Cleveland Ohio ATLWCS won him a Pulitzer Prize in 2015; he has won many other literary prizes including the O. Henry (four times) Lives in Boise, Idaho Got the idea for ATLWCS while on a book tour in St. Malo and saw the blend of modern technology and historic architecture Biographical information and link to NPR -
Exit Ticket: Write down 3 interesting facts from the interview, 2 predictions for the novel, and 1 concern you may have about this upcoming unit. For next class: Have pages 1-69 read and fill out the packet section for those pages “Good Evening. Or Heil Hitler if You Prefer” - 26 NOTE about packet: if you can’t get something just guess, we will talk about it in class