Paignton Community and Sports Academy Rewards Proposal Update & Consultation 2015/16 Helen Wilkinson
Why are we looking to change rewards? Historical inconsistencies with rewards. Give all pupils something positive to aim for, Year 7 – 6th form. Share reward budgets to impact all Academy pupils Creating a central system for all staff to use
What we will achieve? Overall improvement on grades and results throughout years 7-13 Improvement from students in behaviour and attitude towards learning Improvement in uniform standards years 7-11 Required level of attendance in years 7-13
Student of the Month BRC and WRC Positive Praise Pyramid Rewards Structure Student of the Month BRC and WRC (up and running) VIVO points Positive Praise Pyramid
Thank you for your nominations
VIVO Miles Praise Point and Reward Wystem. From June 29th we will be using the Vivo rewards system. We are taking praise point data but using it in a more effective way. Inclusive for ALL Academy pupils Every student takes ownership of their own rewards. No luck involved! 1 praise point = 1 Vivo point
WE MUST PICK UP ON UNIFORM FAULTS OR PUPILS WILL RECEIVE VIVO POINTS! 7-11 Students automatically receive Vivo points for Attendance - 1 per full day attended Behaviour – 1 per full week with no recorded unit visit Uniform – 1 per full week with no uniform faults WE MUST PICK UP ON UNIFORM FAULTS OR PUPILS WILL RECEIVE VIVO POINTS! Pupils nominated for Student of the Month receive 20 Vivo points. 6th Form Attendance 2 per full day attended All praise points given by staff will convert to Vivos
For coming to school, in the right uniform and behaving for a whole year they will automatically receive In the Spring term only 16 Year 7 pupils had more than 20 praise points. 266 vivo points (88 per term)
Giving VIVO points – nothing has changed……… But it would be great to see more points being given to pupils (no different to adding praise points)
Staff giving VIVO points Budget allocation depending on staff teaching commitment: how many classes / how much contact with pupils. If on a Wednesday you have given less than 25% of your point allowance you will receive a prompt via email You must not exceed budget!!! Updates available from Zia Hawtin. Budgets DO NOT ROLL OVER
Double your Points this Week VIVO extras If you have something going on within your faculty and need help we can advertise the job on the Vivo site for pupils and give them points for helping. Double your Points this Week We can give this at anytime for individual subject areas / whole school focuses. E.g revision, clubs,
The VIVO online system Students can view the points they have so far, who gave them to them, what they have exchanged and what is left Outside competitions for them to enter (FREE TO US), news, entertainment etc… Students exchange points for goods from the online shop.
Rewards Shop – we have complete control. A variety of age appropriate goods. Donations from local companies Shop will open at the end of October 2015 to enable time for pupils to receive points
Positive Praise Pyramid Platinum Award Top 5 Gold Award Next 35 Silver Award Next 125 Bronze Award All Students who have achieved 100 points
In the future Re – Launch of houses alongside VIVO’s 2. Trial of staff having application/login details This gives you direct access to - Your budget and what you have left Your classes where you can click on the pupils and add points Who and what you have rewarded pupils for. PLEASE LET MYSELF OR ZIA KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO TAKE PART IN THIS TRIAL
Please feedback…….. Any comments / concerns regarding this information please let me know by Friday 19th June