Chapter 4: Linear Differential Equations MATH 374 Lecture 10 Chapter 4: Linear Differential Equations
4.1: The General Linear Equation Definition: An equation that can be written in the form is called a general linear equation of order n. If R(x) is zero for all x, (1) is said to be homogeneous. If b0(x), b1(x), … , bn(x), and R(x) are continuous on interval I and b0(x) is never zero on I, we say (1) is normal on I. Example 1: The equation is a homogeneous, second order, linear differential equation. On any interval not containing x = -2, it is normal.
Linear Combination of Functions Definition: A linear combination of the functions {f1, f2, … , fk } is a function of the form: c1 f1 + c2 f2 + … + ck fk where c1, c2, … , ck are constants. An important property of linear, homogeneous differential equations is the Principle of Superposition! 3
Principle of Superposition Theorem 4.1: Any linear combination of solutions of a homogeneous linear differential equation is also a solution. Proof: We will look at the case when we have a linear combination of two solutions. For more than two solutions, use induction. (Assume true for n 2 to show true for n+1.) 4
Principle of Superposition (1) With R(x) ´ 0 Proof of Theorem 4.1 (continued): Assume y1 and y2 are solutions of (1) with R(x) ´ 0. Then for any constants c1 and c2, letting y = c1 y1 + c2 y2, we see that: 5
Principle of Superposition (1) With R(x) ´ 0 Proof of Theorem 4.1 (continued): 6
4.2: An Existence and Uniqueness Theorem We state without proof, an existence and uniqueness theorem for general linear equations (compare to Theorem 2.4 for the case when n = 1). A proof for this theorem can be found in Coddington’s An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations – see Chapter 6 (beyond the scope of this course). 7
Existence and Uniqueness Theorem 4.2: Given an nth order linear differential equation that is normal on the interval I, suppose that x0 is any number in I and y0, y1, … , yn-1 are arbitrary real numbers. Then a unique function y = y(x) exists such that y is a solution of (1) on I and y satisties the initial conditions y(x0) = y0, y’(x0) = y1, … , y(n-1)(x0) = yn-1. 8
Example 1 Given that y1 = x3 and y2 = x-3 are solutions of x2 y’’ + x y’ – 9y = 0, (2) find the unique solution to (2) with the initial data: y(1) = -1; y’(1) = 15. (3) 9
Example 1 (continued) 10 Solution: x2 y’’ + x y’ – 9y = 0 (2) y(1) = -1; y’(1) = 15 (3) Example 1 (continued) Solution: By Theorem 4.2, a unique solution to (2), (3) exists on any interval containing x = 1, for which (2) is normal. Therefore a unique solution to (2), (3) exists on (0, 1). From Theorem 4.1, we know y = c1 y1 + c2 y2 = c1 x3 + c2 x-3 must be a solution of (2), for any choice of constants c1 and c2. Using this information and (3), we can find the unique solution to (2), (3)! 10
Example 1 (continued) 11 y(1) = -1 ) c1 + c2 = -1 x2 y’’ + x y’ – 9y = 0 (2) y(1) = -1; y’(1) = 15 (3) y = c1 x3 + c2 x-3 Example 1 (continued) y(1) = -1 ) c1 + c2 = -1 y’(1) = 15 ) 3 c1 – 3 c2 = 15 Thus, 3 c1 + 3 c2 = -3 3 c1 – 3 c2 = 15 --------------------------------- 6 c1 = 12 ) c1 = 2 and c2 = -3 Therefore, y = 2 x3 – 3 x-3 is the unique solution to (2), (3)!! 11
4.3: Linear Independence Definition: The functions {f1, f2, … , fn } are said to linearly dependent on a x b if there exist constants c1, c2, … , cn not all zero, such that c1 f1(x) + c2 f2(x) + … + cn fn(x) = 0 (1) for all x 2 [a, b]. If no such relation exists, we say {f1, f2, … , fn } are linearly independent on a x b. 12
Notes on Linear Independence c1 f1(x) + c2 f2(x) + … + cn fn(x) = 0 (1) Notes on Linear Independence To say {f1, f2, … , fn} are linearly independent on [a,b] means that (1) holds for all x 2 [a,b] only if c1 = c2 = … = cn = 0. To show {f1, f2, … , fn} are linearly independent on [a,b], a convenient approach is as follows: Assume (1) holds for all x 2 [a,b] and show this forces c1 = c2 = … = cn = 0. 13
Notes on Linear Independence c1 f1(x) + c2 f2(x) + … + cn fn(x) = 0 (1) Notes on Linear Independence {f1, f2, … , fn} are linearly dependent on [a,b] if and only if at least one of them is a linear combination of the others. {f1, f2, … , fn} are linearly independent on [a,b] if and only if none of them is a linear combination of the others. 14
c1 f1(x) + c2 f2(x) + … + cn fn(x) = 0 (1) Some Examples Example 1: {sin2x, cos2x, 1} are linearly dependent on any real interval, as sin2x + cos2x – 1 = 0, for all x. Example 2: {1, x, x2} are linearly independent on any real interval, since c1 + c2 x + c3 x2 = 0 for all x 2 [a,b] ) c1 = c2 =c3 = 0 must hold. Reason: Any polynomial of degree two has at most two distinct real roots (Fundamental Theorem of Algebra). Hence, the only way to have c1 + c2 x + c3 x2 = 0 for all x 2 [a,b] is if the coefficients are all zero. 15