INTRODUCTION (Manufacturing Planning) Department of Mechanical Engineering Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
Manufacturing Planning The applications of CAM in manufacturing planning are those in which computers are used directly to support the production function, but there is no direct connection between the computer and the process. The computer is used “offline” to provide information for the effective planning and management of the production activities CIMS/manufacturing planning/PRADEEP KUMARAPMECH
Computer Aided Process Planning Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) The route sheets listing the operation sequences and workstations required for manufacturing the products and its components are prepared in process planning. These route sheets are prepared now a days using CAPP. CIMS/manufacturing planning/PRADEEP KUMARAPMECH
Computer Assisted NC Part Programming Computer Assisted NC Part Programming Computer assisted part programming represents a method to generate the control instructions for the machine tools for complex geometries rather than manual part programming. Part Programming for NC machines is step by step instructions according to which tool movements on the part for metal removal is carried out. CIMS/manufacturing planning/PRADEEP KUMARAPMECH