Tips for an Oral Presentation
Open with an strong introduction Practice your introduction until it is very smooth. Get the attention of the audience. The audience will judge you in the first 30 seconds. Don’t begin by telling the outline of your speech.
Example of a boring introduction “Today I am going to tell a story about something that happened to me in junior high school.”
Examples of better introductions “Something happened to me in junior high school that still makes me laugh today.” “Today I’m going to tell you about an event that totally changed my life.”
Better introductions (cont’d.) “Maybe you think that being a flight attendant is a dream job. The story I’m about to tell you might make you change your mind!”
Don’t think your story has to be “earth-shaking” to be interesting… If you think that your life is boring, you need to have your eyes opened! If you are a skillful observer, you can find many meaningful stories in everyday life Example: “Yesterday, I saw an act of kindness on the train that touched my heart.”
Don’t read from a script. Memorize the beginning and end of your speech. Put the key points on note cards. Use your notes as reminders, not as a text.
Maintain eye contact! Even if you use a Powerpoint, look at the audience. Practice in front of a mirror until you can look at yourself.
Avoid mannerisms If possible, ask a friend to watch your speech or to videotape it for you. You will be surprised by your mannerisms!
Speak loudly and confidently If you are soft-spoken, use a microphone.
Practice the pronunciation of all unfamiliar words. Practice the pronunciation of any words that you do not use often. Don’t use many words that are not in your normal vocabulary. This will be result in an unnatural—and probably incomprehensible—speech. In a prepared speech, numerous mispronunciations are unforgivable!
Use gestures, but don’t overdo it! Again, practice in front of a mirror is helpful.
Don’t speak too quickly Don’t think that you will sound more fluent if you speak quickly. Good public speaking is slower than ordinary speech. Sometimes pauses create a special effect. (Pause after a rhetorical question or before the punchline of a joke.)
Homework Begin to prepare for the oral examination-- A 3- to 5-minute story about a true experience
Possible topics A story that illustrates some aspect of your personality A story that illustrates some aspect of a friend’s personality A time when you overcame a challenge An inspiring experience An unbelievable experience A humorous experience