A New Year, A New Covenant Hebrews 8:6-13, 10:12-25
A New Year, A New Covenant The old covenant is obsolete. The old covenant was faulty. The old covenant was dependent upon obedience. The old covenant could not change the heart.
A New Year, A New Covenant The old covenant is obsolete. The new covenant is complete. Jesus offered a single sufficient sacrifice. His sacrifice perfected those it affected. The new covenant changes the heart.
A New Year, A New Covenant The old covenant is obsolete. The new covenant is complete. The new covenant is living. The new covenant draws us near to God. The new covenant gives us solid hope. The new covenant makes us love each other.
What does that mean to me? Which covenant am I relying on? Am I relying on my own actions? Am I relying on the finished work of Jesus? Have I put my faith in His new plan?
What does that mean to me? Am I drawing near to God? Is my heart focused upon Him? Am I assured of my faith?
What does that mean to me? Am I secure in hope? Do I doubt? Do I trust Jesus?
What does that mean to me? Do I love others? Do I give do good to others? Do I meet with the brothers regularly?