USMC Garrison Food Services Stakeholder Analysis Team Name V17.1
STAKEHOLDER PERCEPTIONS Performance zz Schedule Cost
Stakeholder IERs* Interests Expectations Requirements Stakeholder Person or organization that can affect or be affected by the outcomes of a project or program What motivates individuals or organizations internally The stakeholder’s preference for approaching or completing a task, event, or activity Measurable product, service, result or accomplishment * Analyze no less than three “key” stakeholders
Power Grid Congress President Influence Importance 4
High Level Objectives Based upon your Stakeholder Analysis and understanding of the Marine Corp Food Serve Project so far come up with at least three High Level Objectives (HLOs). To define HLOs, list what needs to be accomplished to satisfy the overall requirement, from a top-level perspective. HLOs are similar to level two in work bread down structures. 1. 2. 3. 4. Teams will have a chance to revise these later in Step 4