Case Workshop “Generating Revenue” 2. PCO (file profitability) project: 第27回日本医学会総会 6/26/2018 Case Workshop “Generating Revenue” 2. PCO (file profitability) Keiko Nishimoto Japan Convention Services, Inc. mk
project: 第27回日本医学会総会 6/26/2018 Contents 1. Who We Are (Japan Convention Services, Inc) 2. PCO’s Profit Structure in Japan 3. Problems 4. To Generate More Profit 5. Possible Profit Items 6. Overview mk
project: 第27回日本医学会総会 6/26/2018 1. Who We Are Japan Convention Services, Inc. (JCS) - The first professional congress organizer in Japan (established in 1967) - Medical Company / IC Company / Staff Company - Medical Company, concentrate for medical conferences (80 employee, 40% national medical conferences) - Expert team for abstract handling (20 employee) mk
project: 第27回日本医学会総会 6/26/2018 1. Who We Are - Tokyo Head Office - Seven branches Hokkaido Nagoya Osaka(Kansai) Kobe Kyushu Kokura Okinawa - IT Center (Tokyo) mk
project: 第27回日本医学会総会 6/26/2018 2. PCO’s Profit in Japan - Manpower Cost abstract handling, secretariat fee, operating staff - Handling Fee (5-10% of total amount) - Sponsorship Options Sponsored Seminars Exhibition Congress Materials, etc mk
project: 第27回日本医学会総会 6/26/2018 2. PCO’s Profit in Japan Luncheon Seminar in Japan 15-80 seminars per conference generates 25% of the PCO’s profit from the project ex) 100,000 euro at the Conference (10,000 participants) Organizer: Income Participants: lunch Pharma Companies: Promotion Opportunity PCO: handling fee (10-15%) mk
- Too many project for each Manager - Service is “FREE” 6/26/2018 3. Problems - Too many project for each Manager - Service is “FREE” mk
“Profit is at the Source” project: 第27回日本医学会総会 6/26/2018 4. To Generate More Profit “Profit is at the Source” - Competitive Bid - Central Purchasing - Purchasing Cost Guidline mk
Shift the Printings and Production to Dalian, China project: 第27回日本医学会総会 6/26/2018 4. To Generate More Profit Shift the Printings and Production to Dalian, China Dalian, China Same latitude as Madrid and Rome Many Japanese Manufacturer 50,000 of Japanese Language Population ex) Cost of Analog Input of 500 papers Japan : 300 euro Dalian : 25 euro (with proofing by Japanese) mk
4. To Generate More Profit project: 第27回日本医学会総会 6/26/2018 4. To Generate More Profit In-house Audio Visual Company JCS Communications, ltd - to stock Audio Visual Equipment - to control the purchase from other supplier Profit Ratio of the Audio Visual Supplier In Japan … 60% mk
4. To Generate More Profit project: 第27回日本医学会総会 6/26/2018 4. To Generate More Profit Options to spend the surplus (After the Conference) - Meeting Report (Website / CD-Rom / DVD) - Webcast (Website / CD-Rom / DVD) - Accounting Support Service etc mk
project: 第27回日本医学会総会 6/26/2018 5. Possible Profit Contingency Fee - Number of Participants - Amount of Sponsorships Importance of “Promotion” mk
The Key to generate more revenue project: 第27回日本医学会総会 6/26/2018 6. Overview The Key to generate more revenue 1. Elaborate a scheme 2. Relationship (Client – PCO – Vendor) 3. Always make the new approaches Thank you! mk