Egyptian Civilization Religion Vital to Egyptian Culture. Viewed their gods as unpredictable, violent. Most likely due to unpredictability of the Nile River. Pharaoh was believed to be a god. Polytheism: Belief in multiple gods. Monotheism: Practiced during Amenhotep’s reign. New god represented by image of the Sun, “Aton.”
Egyptian Accomplishments Calendar based on the Sirius star. Geometry. Medical Advances in Treatment of Illnesses. Mummification. Building of the Pyramids. Number system based on 10.
Economy Based on Agriculture and Trade.
Government Kingdoms: Dynasties (Families of Rulers) Divided into 3: Old Kingdom, 2650 to 2180 B.C. Middle Kingdom, 2040 to 1780 B.C. New Kingdom, est. 1570 B.C. Originally Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. United by Menes into one kingdom. Dynasties (Families of Rulers) 3200 B.C. to 300 B.C. About 30 existed.
Geography Egypt developed around the Nile River. The Nile River provided farmers with great silt!