SUMMARY OF RECEIVED COMMENTS The Department received a multitude of fisheries, aquaculture and related comments from the members of the public who attended the MSP Bill Public Hearings that were held at the end of July 2017 and in August 2017 by the DEA Portfolio Committee. Most of the issues raised were common and below is the summary thereof: DAFF Fisheries Laws are restrictive; There is corruption at DAFF; Lack of Government support; Need for Community involvement in Fisheries Management; What does DAFF do with Application Fees?; DAFF must scrap licensing & catch limits; DAFF do something about sardine catches in the South Coast; Poor working conditions at sea; DAFF must allow harvesting of seals Lack of safety at sea, drownings on the rise; Government does not consult when drafting its laws Isimangaliso must be opened to local people; DAFF must assist with reopening of East London harbour for fishing DAFF officials discriminate against blacks; Need for training and support on Aquaculture; Allow Small scale fishers to fish offshore; Need DAFF to bring its services closer to the people Government must compensate families who lose loved ones at sea;
COMMENTS DAFF RESPONSE Recommendation Status 1. DAFF Fisheries Laws are restrictive The Department policies on fisheries allow all South Africans to apply for rights, in the case of applicants that do not have a vessel, provision is made for the applicants to demonstrate a right of access to a vessel suitable for the harvesting in the respective sector. 2. Lack of Government support The Department has amended the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No 18 of 1998) to recognize Small scale fishers and is now implementing the Small Scale Fisheries Policy the scope of which includes capacity development of small scale fishers.
COMMENTS DAFF RESPONSE Recommendation Status 3. What does DAFF do with Application Fees? Rights Application Fee is not a refundable fee, it is charged by the Department for the costs incurred during the development and/or review of the General Fisheries Policy, the Sector-Specific policies, the distribution of application forms and collection thereof, advertisements and gazetting of policies as well as employ independent entities to audit and advise on FRAP processes. 4. DAFF must scrap licensing & catch limits The management of Marine Fisheries resources through legislation and licensing is an international best management practice that has been tested for years in the fishing industry. Because marine natural resources are exhaustible, sought after, some are prone to poaching and over harvesting, it is incumbent upon the Department to ensure that the constitutional provision to conserve these natural resources for present and future generations whilst ensuring socio-economic beneficiation is upheld.
COMMENTS DAFF RESPONSE Recommendation Status 5. Poor working conditions at sea Exploitation of workers is rife in South Africa, with the fishing industry workers being no exception. South Africa has ratified Working in Fishing Convention (2007), Convention 188, which comes into force internationally on 16 November 2017. The Convention will Improve the living and working conditions for all fishermen working onboard all South African Fishing vessels or vessels fishing in South African Waters. 6. Lack of safety at sea, drownings on the rise Ditto above
COMMENTS DAFF RESPONSE Recommendation Status 7. Isimangaliso must be opened to local people The Department has taken note of the comment and will engage the Department of Environmental Affairs 8. DAFF officials discriminate against blacks The comment is noted and the Department will follow this matter up with the DAFF office in Mossel Bay
COMMENTS DAFF RESPONSE Recommendation Status 9. Need for training and support on Aquaculture The Department does have a Demonstration Centre for Aquaculture in Gariep, Free State. Training of young professionals, aspiring farmers and farmers does take place already. However, the Department will have to create and improve awareness about this centre to ensure improved beneficiation. 10. Allow Small scale fishers to fish offshore The allocation process is open for applicants to apply for rights in both nearshore and offshore fisheries. However, it is important to add that FRAP process is very competitive and there is a set criteria for each fishery.
COMMENTS DAFF RESPONSE Recommendation Status 11. Government must compensate families who lose loved ones at sea Exploitation of workers is rife in South Africa, with the fishing industry workers being no exception. South Africa has ratified Working in Fishing Convention (2007), Convention 188, which comes into force internationally on 16 November 2017. The Convention will Improve the living and working conditions for all fishermen working onboard all South African Fishing vessels or vessels fishing in South African Waters. 12. There is corruption at DAFF When rights holders observe unfair and/or improper conduct by either DAFF’s officials or fellow rights holders, they are encouraged to report such to the Department and this is incorporated into the permit conditions.
COMMENTS DAFF RESPONSE Recommendation Status 13. Need for Community involvement in Fisheries Management The Department has Management Working Groups in all its Commercially exploited fisheries where meetings are convened with rights holders, NGOs and representatives of Industry Association. In order to ensure that the needs and concerns of all stakeholders are taken in to consideration, the Department also embarks on Road Shows in all coastal provinces meeting with rights holders in their local areas 14. DAFF do something about sardine catches in the South Coast The issue relating to dumping of sardines has been discussed at length with right holders during the 2017 Management Working Groups.
COMMENTS DAFF RESPONSE Recommendation Status 15. DAFF must allow harvesting of seals Harvesting of seals, currently, is prohibited. 16. Government does not consult when drafting its laws DAFF has Management Working Groups for each commercial fishery and conducts road shows in each fishery annually. When there is policy development, further consultations are made to solicit input from the industry.
COMMENTS DAFF RESPONSE Recommendation Status 17. DAFF must assist with reopening of East London harbour for fishing The Department has taken note of the comment and follow up will be made with Transnet. 18. Need DAFF to bring its services closer to the people The Department is in the process of decentralising its serving offerings to the maximum extent possible under very trying circumstances.
COMMENTS DAFF RESPONSE Recommendation Status 19. The contribution of small scale farmers to licences must be considered. Operation Phakisa has not delivered much for them as the small scale farmers. The DAFF is drafting the Aquaculture Development Bill which seeks to promote aquaculture development in SA and ensure that the sector contributes to government priorities such as food security, economic growth and addressing historical imbalances in accessing aquaculture opportunities. The Bill will support the recognition and support of small scale and subsistence farmers through registration for activities; financial assistance; veterinary support services; extension services, and access to markets.
Thank you