Willem Jaspers and Lucinda Maclagan 10/25/11 Contractor’s meeting Willem Jaspers and Lucinda Maclagan NL Agency
CA ESD I Final report status Procedure Financial report is complete 10/25/11 CA ESD I Final report status Financial report is complete Awaiting ‘Green Light’ for the public reports – Core Theme Summary Reports and Executive Summary Report – from EACI Procedure Submit Financial and Final Implementation Report EACI review Response to EACI questions Approval of Final Financial and Implementation Report Final payment to Coordinator Payment to participants
CA ESD II Duration and milestones Administrative procedures Interviews 10/25/11 CA ESD II Duration and milestones Administrative procedures Interviews NCP role and responsibilities Working Group toolkit Internal communication Confidentiality
Timeline Final Implementation report 7/2014 Technical progress report 10/25/11 Timeline Final Implementation report 7/2014 Technical progress report 2/2012 Interim Implementation report 1/2013 Start 31/5/2011 End 30/5/2014 36 months First pre-payment 2011 Second pre-payment 2013 Final payment 2014
Administrative procedures 10/25/11 Administrative procedures CPF collection almost complete Changes in legal representative or person responsible for the work (usually NCP): Letter to NL Agency. In the case of a change of legal representative this will be included as a contract amendment Catering / conference fee, centrally processed National administrative procedures apply for expense claims Helpdesk – Annemiek van Woudenberg
Interviews 2 per participating country 10/25/11 Interviews 2 per participating country 15 every meeting - PM2 & PM3 and PM5 & PM6 Standard interview structure available in advance via website
NCP role and responsibilities 10/25/11 NCP role and responsibilities PM participation Ensure expert participation at PM in-depth sessions Provide data in response to WG requests Ensure participation in at least 1 WG Disseminate CA ESD information to policy makers and ESD implementors Be interviewed Attend Contractors’meeting Provide input for reporting Submit National Implementation Report and the report on the implementation budget See p. 49 of the Grant Agreement Annex I
Topic 1st in-depth session 10/25/11 Topic 1st in-depth session Public Procurement 5 Parallel sessions on this topic You are responsible to make sure that a national expert is attending the PM
Working Group toolkit WG tasks and responsibilities 10/25/11 Working Group toolkit WG tasks and responsibilities WG topic detailed description WG timeline Templates (reports, presentations, questionnaires) Questionnaire tips Presentation tips Pimp my meeting box (different interactive meeting formats)
Internal Communication 10/25/11 Internal Communication All contractual / financial questions about the CA ESD are to be directed to NL Agency Communication with EACI and DG ENER go via NL Agency Questions on: financial issues – Annemiek van Woudenberg (NL Agency) Contractual issues – Willem Jaspers (NL Agency) Communication and support material – Frances Downy (EST)
Confidentiality needs clarification 10/25/11 Confidentiality needs clarification Confidentiality policy Publicly available material made available Discussions remain strictly confidential WG reports remain confidential, except: Executive summary Good practice factsheets Confidentiality agreement remains for third parties This time: we ask whether presentations are to remain confidential or not. In future: presentations are public except when marked 'confidential'
Confidentiality policy 10/25/11 Confidentiality policy Currently in draft stage Will be circulated within a month of this Plenary Meeting Will also form part of the NCP toolkit.
10/25/11 Public reports Purpose: to explain and show to the 'outside world' what we are doing and what we deliver. To share good practices that have been identified and can be used as inspiration by other stakeholders with a large number of market actors.
Public reports – Procedure 10/25/11 Public reports – Procedure The executive summary of the Working Group reports will, together with the good practice factsheets, form the basis of public reports (CTSR, ESR). The WG reports themselves will remain fully confidential! EST sends notification shortly after PM: Working Group reports are now online MS have 2 weeks to review and, if they do not agree, provide alternative wording This is the only notification, and it is the responsibility of NCP to follow this up.
Thank you for your attention 10/25/11 Thank you for your attention