Fall 2017 Monday 23 October 2017 Next Meeting: Monday 6 November 2017 US
Matt Ruby www.brightsideproduce.org
Our Mission: • We strive to eliminate food deserts in urban areas by bridging communities through people and produce • Increasing the accessibility, availability, and affordability of fresh fruits and vegetables in National City, San Diego • Assist stores in meeting USDA’s new minimum stocking requirements Matt Ruby
Store Services • Full-service produce distributor • Serve small stores by “breaking bulk” • Flexibility for small stores to buy the varieties and quantities appropriate for their stores • Low prices, Risk-free, with no minimum order requirements. Matt Ruby
BrightSide Buyers Club Trial Tote: $5 Planter Tote: $7 Garden Tote: $12 Farm Tote: $15 • Weekly Payment Option • Pay for entire semester at once Matt Ruby
BrightSide Table @ SDSU Farmer’s Market • Across from Anthem Vegan • Convenient on campus option for fresh fruits/veggies. • Funds support deliveries of produce to underserved communities Matt Ruby
Take Action & Make A Difference! Be a part of the positive change in our communities • Join the Buyer’s Club • Help fund deliveries to stores in National City • Join Our Team! • E-mail brightside.crs@sdsu.edu • Volunteer opportunity in a continuously expanding program • Donate • Help grow our efforts and service more stores with fresh produce Matt Ruby
Fall 2017 Monday 23 October 2017 Next Meeting: Monday 6 November 2017 US
Brace yourself for some wordy slides Imagine I’m here talking to you in my Wisconsin accent... Kellie - As Brooke
Updates from Brooke Follow the fun! #FNCE Greetings from Chicago! Opening session Donna S. Martin, EdS, RDN, LD, SNS, FAND - Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics President Doris V. Derelian, PhD, JD, RDN, FAND - Marjorie Hulsizer Copher Award winner Dr. Sanjay Gupta - Neurosurgeon and CNN Medical Correspondent Sunday sessions I attended: Fiber’s Essentiality for the Microbiota and Health: Connecting the Dots Intestines on the Run Agriculture Links to Healthy Eating Patterns - Then and Now Influence Redefined: Be the Leader You Were Meant to Be, Monday to Monday Sports Supplement: Facts, Noise, and Wishful Thinking The Evidence: Intermittent Fasting (partially presented by SDSU alumna) Nutrigenomics: Is It Ready for Prime Time? Kellie - As Brooke Follow the fun! #FNCE
Updates from Brooke Student Success Fee Both proposals have successfully moved through Level 1 of 3 review stages We’ll know if the proposals will be funded before Thanksgiving Aztecs Rock Hunger Results? Kellie - As Brooke
Updates from Brooke Academics We’re halfway through the semester and midterms are in full force. SNO’s ability to offer academic support depends completely on student volunteers Today 10/23: NUTR 312 exam @ 4pm NUTR 302 Review Session @ 5:30pm in ENS 106 (Annex) Any other exams, review sessions, or study groups this week? Research Article to read: Academy’s Position Paper on Pediatric Overweight and Obesity http://jandonline.org/article/S2212-2672(13)01292-6/fulltext Just in time for…
The biggest event of the year! Josephson-Spindler Fifth Annual Kids Eat Right Dinner Gala & Silent Auction Thank you everyone who bought tickets! See you Saturday! “What to Expect” email for details Want additional SNO points? Consider carpooling! Drivers of 2 or more other attendees will receive 3 SNO points and their passengers will receive 1 SNO point Unable to attend? Consider making a donation to the Kids Eat Right Campaign http://www.snosdsu.org/fifth-annual.html
The Gala Is Here! If you haven’t filled out our questionnaire, please do so by tomorrow by 3pm. If you don’t fill out the seating chart or food request you will be seated in whichever table is open Default option will be the chicken entree Attire is cocktail/formal There will be a great deal of faculty and past SNO members and graduates. Mingle and get to know each other! Alma
Points, If they are important to you Results of last poll: Keep the pics coming! Deadline for points is 12/4/17
Upcoming Events Make sure to get at least two volunteer opportunities before the point deadline! Friday 10/27 - Gala Decoration Volunteer Event, 3pm-7pm Saturday - SNO’s 5th Annual Kids Eat Right Gala Saturday 11/4 - The Color Run 5K - Guided Hike with CAND-SD, 9am-1pm (Great Networking Opportunity!) Sunday 11/5 - Susan G Komen Race for the Cure, Volunteer OR Walk Saturday 11/11 - JDRF One Walk Volunteer, 5:30 am-9:00 am Sunday 11/12 - American Lung Association, Lung Force Walk Volunteer, 5:30 am -1:00 pm
Pics of the week(s)!
Outreach and Mentorship Meeting today! Study Abroad In the Union Right after meeting!
Next Week's Guest Speaker Alexis Beltran, RD Registered Dietitian - Child Nutrition Services Chula Vista Elementary School District Her interests include food service management, school nutrition, and community nutrition. She enjoys teaching children and the community about different nutrition topics and living a healthy lifestyle. Currently, she is the Registered Dietitian at Chula Vista Elementary School District where she puts together menus for grades K-8 and 9-12, implements nutrition education in the classroom, and supervises food service staff.
Our Guest Speaker Today!!! Reyanne Mustafa Co-Founder of soulMUCH (formerly soulFULL) Food and Nutritional Science at SDSU, minoring in Sustainability
Reyanne at work!