satiate: verb definition: to satisfy to the full
satiate pronunciation: sey-shee-eyt
satiate related forms: noun satiation adjective satiated satiable
satiate quench satisfy sate fill saturate gratify surfeit gorge synonyms: quench satisfy sate fill saturate gratify surfeit gorge
antonyms disappoint abstain deplete deprive dissatisfy insatiable leave wanting
satiate Parched, the young girl allowed the rain to satiate her.
satiate The hummingbird was able to satiate his thirst by drinking juice through a straw.
satiated adjective We weren’t satiated by the platter of fruits and vegetables, but the ants were.
satiated By the end of four years, Marlboro students will be satiated with new vocabulary.
satiable An easily satiable dinner guest might eat one serving of lasagna, pat his stomach, and say, "Ah, that was delicious."
satiation Satiation made the young boy lazy.
satiation In need of satiation, the baby birds opened their mouths and waited for their mom to return with food.
The baby had an insatiable appetite.