Classroom Video Observation TEPG Cohort: 2014-2015 Classroom Video Observation Welcome! Fall, 2014 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 1
Purpose To strengthen understanding and use of the TEPG Rubric and Companion Guide as a teacher is provided targeted feedback based on a video observation. Evidence based feedback includes praise, probing, and polishing.
Group Norms Be fully present Manage technology Ask questions and put ideas on the table Pay attention to self and others and adjust if necessary Other?
Teaching Channel Video with-video
Roles: Presenter(s) Facilitator Note-taker Time Keeper Cohort participants
Lesson Context from the Presenter: Goal(s) of the lesson Context needed to understand the clip 1-2 aspects of teaching practice (standard indicators) for which you like focused feedback.
Core Propositions/Standard Indicators
Following the Video: Small Group Alignment: what evidence did you collect that aligns to the Standard Indicator of focus in the CG? Other Indicators evidenced in the clip? B. Praise: “I noticed…;” positive, specific feedback C. Probe: Follow-up questions to probe deeper into the teacher’s decision making and practice and to help them reflect on the lesson. D. Polish: Suggestions for refinements or other strategies that might be used.
Feedback: Praise from each group; citing evidence from the clip Probing questions from each group – presenter responses One suggestion from each group Presenter: Clarifying questions Reaction to feedback What was re-affirming? Was anything surprising? Why? How was the videotaping process? Next step(s)? CG Revisit: Other evidence noted in the clip – alignment in the CG?
Thoughts about the process? How do you see this working in your cohorts? Suggestions for revision to the protocol? Time adjustments? Power-point helpful? Other???