Alfred Adler 1870 - 1937
Overview of Theory All individuals feel inferior Inferiority complex Superiority Complex Individuals deal with inferiority through Compensation: concentrate on building the weakness emphasize other functions Masculine protest
Overview of Theory Motivated to strive from a “felt minus”(feeling of inferiority) towards a “felt plus” (feelings of superiority, perfection, and totality) Motivating force behind all behavior is called Striving for Perfection or Superiority the desire for competence and mastery over ones environment
Overview of Theory Results in the development of the Fictional Goal (Fictional Finalism) The imagined goal or desirable future state that motivates and guides us (whether true or not) Unhealthy are inflexible (“The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction…”) Healthy people modify (“… The normal individual, too, can and will create his deity …… but will never lose sight of reality …) Later called this Guiding Self Idea
Overview of Theory Fictional Goal directs an individuals style of life (lifestyle) Our unique combination of motives, interests, attitudes and values. Determines how we will act in any situation. Helps lead to consistency and uniqueness of personality Begins as a compensatory process making up for a particular inferiority Includes individual concepts about self, the world and one’s unique way of striving for goals (unifier of personality)
Overview of Theory Style of Life Established by age 4 or 5 using the Creative Self the dynamic force that allows us to use our experiences and heredity to construct our style of life Can be identified through an individual’s early memories Doesn’t matter if memories are true or not Represents individuals first perceptions of self, world, etc
Overview of Theory Four types of lifestyles Ruling type Getting type Avoiding type Socially useful type Mistaken lifestyles (neurotic)
Overview of Theory Ruling type: Seeks to dominate others Directly by bullying, etc Indirectly by suicide attempts, addictions, etc.
Overview of Theory Getting type Dependent Leans on others for everything Most common according to Adler
Overview of Theory Avoiding type Try to not deal with problems, etc. Phobias part of this
Overview of Theory Socially useful type Innate trait that makes all humans value contributing to society and the common good of others. The most productive way to compensate for individual feelings of inferiority The more socially oriented the healthier the individual Gemeinschaftsgefuhl
Overview of Theory Factors of maladjustment of neurotics Underdeveloped social interest Live in their own private world Set their goals too high Have rigid and dogmatic style of life
Overview of Theory Neuroticism creates need for Safeguarding Strategies (defense mechanisms) Three types Excuses or rationalizing strategies As if excusing them from life due to their illness or symptoms “Yes, but…” “If only ….” Often experience secondary gain as a result of this
Overview of Theory Aggressive strategies Open or disguised hostility toward self or others Depreciation * devalue others through threats or inflating own value Accusation * blame others (no personal responsibility) Self accusation * blame self in such a way that it attracts attention, sympathy, etc. * sometimes induces guilt in others
Overview of Theory Distancing strategies Distances themselves from life’s problems Restricts participation in life Avoids challenging situations when there is risk of failure
Impact of Family Family Constellation Treatment Family Roles Pampering Rejection
Impact of Family Birth Order (situation into which child is born) Oldest child Worst position Middle child Second born is most fortunate Youngest child Second worst position Only child