Daniela Fábregas Ricardo Sánchez
1986 1989 Pixar made its first commercial for Tropicana Lucasfilm, Ltd. Was purchased by Steve Jobs for $10,000,000 and created a company called Pixar. Movies: 1989- Knick knack Golden Space Needle Award Movies : 1986- Luxo Jr. Golden Gate award 1087- Red´s Dream Golden Gate award 1988- Tin Toy Academy Award
1990 1991 Pixar and Walt Disney team up to develop, produce and distribute three feature-length animated films and make 15 commercials. Pixar moves to California and creates five new commercials for: Lottery, Trident, Lifesavers, Volkswagen and Pillsbury's. 1992 Pixar made 9 more commericals
1995 1996 Pixar made 12 commerials and hit the world with Toy Story; the first fully computer animated film. $362 million were the total gain of pixar thanks to Toy Story. In 1996 toy story is release on home video, and its nominated to many worldwide awards. A bugs life was released, and one year later the movie won a grammy award and academy award.
1999 2001 Monsters inc is released, it was the 3rd highest grossing animated film. The number of emplyees in Pixar reaches up to 600. Toy story 2 is released, it was the first “sequel” movie that won more money than the first one. The movie won $485 million
2003 2004 The release of home video of Finding Nemo had already reached 24 million copies. “The incredibles” movie is released. And the following year it won recieved a Golden Globe for best musical on comedy Finding Nemo Is released on May 30th. The release of this movie in video/dvd brought the incredible ammount of 8 million copies in the first day.
2006 2007 “Ratatoille” was released and it was nominated for 5 oscars. Including best animated film. This remains the record of the animated film which held more nomination for oscars. The movie “Cars” is released. Walt Disney Company purchase Pixar for $7.4 billion.
2008-present day In 2008 Pixar worked with Wall-E In the present day Pixar its working on Toy Story 3.