Tuesday, Jan. 19th Objective: Bell-ringer: Discuss with your neighbor: What materials you need to set-up an electromagnet? Agenda: Bell-ringer “Gravity” notes Physics test – Friday, Jan. 29th Objective: Construct and present arguments using evidence to support the claim that gravitational interactions are attractive and depend on the masses of interacting objects. (S.7.PS.9)
Write the following: Date: 1/19/16 Description: Gravity Page #: 61 11/12/15 Conservation of Energy 39 11/18/15 Temperature and Heat 41/43 Date: 1/19/16 Description: Gravity Page #: 61 11/20/15 Transferring Thermal Energy 43/45 12/1/15 Using Heat 45/47 12/4/15 Describing Motion 47/49 12/8/15 51 Acceleration 12/16/15 Motion and Forces 53 1/6/16 Newton’s Laws of Motion 55 1/12/16 Electrical circuits 57 1/13/16 Magnetism and Electricity 59 1/19/16 Gravity 61
Gravity Gravity– any two masses that exert an attractive force on each other Gravity depends on mass and distance between objects Weight– gravitational force exerted on an object; measured in units called Newtons The greater the objects mass, the stronger the gravitational force on it.
Projectile Motion Projectile– anything that is thrown or shot through the air A projectile follows a curved path and has: and Horizontal Motion V E R T I C A L M O T I N
Centripetal Force Centripetal acceleration– acceleration toward the center of a curved or circular path “centripetal” means toward the center Centripetal force– force acting toward the center of a curved or circular path
Wednesday, Jan. 20th Objective: Bell-ringer: Discuss with your neighbor: What is gravity, weight, and projectile motion? Agenda: Bell-ringer “Gravity” animation “Fly Away Moon” activity and “Path of Projectiles” activity Quiz tomorrow on “Gravity” notes Physics test – Friday, Jan. 29th Objective: Construct and present arguments using evidence to support the claim that gravitational interactions are attractive and depend on the masses of interacting objects. (S.7.PS.9)
Everything you need to know about gravity in one – five minute animation http://io9.gizmodo.com/5944181/everything-you-need-to-know-about-gravity-in-one-five-minute-animation
Directions for “Fly Away Moon” and “Path of Projectiles” activity “Fly Away Moon” activity is an individual activity Materials on back table Read and follow directions Complete paper Place in bin “Path of Projectiles” activity is a partner activity Using your moon from the previous activity; detach the string Show me when finished; meaning it’s cut and pasted into your notebook by your “Gravity” notes To get your 10 points for today, you must do and complete the two activities!
Thursday, Jan. 21st Objective: Bell-ringer: Study your “Gravity” notes (4 minutes) Agenda: Bell-ringer Quiz today Physics test – Friday, Jan. 29th “Gravity” lab Objective: Conduct an investigation and evaluate the experimental design to provide evidence that fields exist between objects exerting forces on each other even though the objects are not in contact. (S.7.PS.10)
THURSDAY QUIZ! Anything that is thrown or shot through the air? Acceleration toward the center of a curved or circular path? Any two masses that exert an attractive force on each other? Force acting toward the center of a curved or circular path? Gravitational force exerted on an object; measured in units called Newtons?