Shooting Drills Lay ups Starting on your right hand, MAKE 10 lay ups. Every time you miss do 5 Press ups. Rest for 2 mins Now MAKE 10 lay ups using your left hand, otherwise it will never improve. Shell Drill Set the cones up as shown. You must MAKE every basket before moving on. Starting under the basket dribble out, around the cone, then go to hoop. Repeat around each cone. When on the left, shoot with your left hand. Your only cheating yourself if you don’t.
Shooting Drills 21 Points Start in the centre circle. Dribble continuously at alternate baskets until you have made 21 points. Score 3 Points from 3 Point line 2 Points from outside the Key 1 Point for a Lay up. You can only have 1 shot at basket. This drill will help with shooting stamina in a game. 20s Shoot 20 shots from each spot. Record your score each time Don’t walk in for your rebound, chase it down and run back to each spot. This will help shooting fitness.
Shooting Drills Favourite 5s Identify 5 spots that you want to be your Hotspots for the next season. If you can place a badminton post on each spot and shoot over it, this will help you gain height on your shot and get used to shooting with someone in your face. Shoot 20 at each spot and record. Horseshoe Start on a spot at low post. Make 5 at each spot before moving. 4 lower spots are all backboard shots. As you improve make the drill harder by changing to 3 consecutive made, then 5 etc.
Shooting Drills Pressure Freethrows Identify how many freethrows you are going to make out of 10 before stepping up to the line. Shoot your 10. If you fail, run 4 lengths of the court. Shoot again. If you fail, run 4 lengths. If you make it 1st time, up your score next time. Shoot minimum of 3 times. Exit Fee Shoot 50-100 Freethrows. Make a minimum of 50%. If you fail, reshoot. If you fail, run a suicide and you can leave the court.