Sit-and-Reach Test Sport Books Publisher
Bridge-Up Test Can be used with: Males and females, most ages Equipment required: A mat and a meter stick or measuring tape Goal of test: To achieve a bridged position, with the hands and feet as close together as possible Test score: The difference between the highest point of the arched back (measured from the floor) and the subject’s standing height Sport Books Publisher
Bridge-Up Test Sport Books Publisher
Hamstring Looseness Test Can be used with: Males and females, most ages Equipment required: A level floor Goal of test: To reach as far as possible toward the ground from a standing start by performing forward flexion Test score: Hand position reached during flexion Sport Books Publisher
Hamstring Looseness Test Performance Level Position Reached Excellent Palms touch the floor Above Average Knuckles touch the floor Average Fingertips touch the floor Below Average Fingertips touch the feet Needs Improvement Fingertips touch the ankles or higher Sport Books Publisher
Hamstring Looseness Test Sport Books Publisher
Total Body Rotation Test Can be used with: Males and females, most ages Equipment required: A wall, measuring tape, tape (to fasten measuring tape to wall), chalk Goal of test: To rotate the trunk, with the arm extended backward, as far as possible along a wall, and to hold the position for 2 seconds Test score: Distance reached (in centimeters) along the tape measure Sport Books Publisher
Total Body Rotation Test Sport Books Publisher
Fitness Tests Measuring Agility Burpee Test AAHPERD Shuttle Run Hexagonal Obstacle Test Sport Books Publisher
Measuring Agility Agility: The physical ability that enables rapid and precise change of body position and direction Agility is important for many sports such as judo, wrestling, and badminton Many tests of agility exist, a few of which include the burpee test, AAHPERD shuttle run, and hexagonal obstacle test Sport Books Publisher
Burpee Test Can be used with: Females and males, most ages Equipment required: A stopwatch, wrist watch, or clock with a second hand Goal of test: To perform as many parts (from 1 to 4) of the exercise sequence as possible in 10 seconds Test score: Total number of parts completed in 10 seconds Sport Books Publisher
Burpee Test (Parts) PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 PART 4 To measure agility using the burpee test, as many parts of the burpee as possible must be performed completely in 10 seconds Sport Books Publisher
AAHPERD Shuttle Run Can be used with: Females and males, aged 9 through adulthood Equipment required: Marking tape, a stopwatch, and two blocks of wood/beanbags Goal of test: To complete the test in as little time as possible Test Score: Time (seconds) taken to complete the test Sport Books Publisher
AAHPERD Shuttle Run Sport Books Publisher
Hexagonal Obstacle Test Can be used with: Females and males, most ages Equipment required: Marking tape or chalk, a stopwatch, and a measuring tape or yardstick to make the following floor pattern (66 cm per side) Sport Books Publisher
Hexagonal Obstacle Test Goal of test: To complete three revolutions of the exercise in as little time as possible Test score: Time (seconds) taken to complete the test (three full revolutions) Sport Books Publisher