Daves Chapter 8 Technical Issues in Projecting Financial Statements and Forecasting Financing Needs DES Chapter 8
Extensions Chapter describes extensions to: Projections based on the proportional percent of sales method Alternative financing policies Calculations of interest expense and interest income Base line calculations from Ch. 7 are in the file Ch 08 Base Model.xls. DES Chapter 8
Extensions to Proportional Percent of Sales Method Linear with intercept Non-linear Lumpy assets DES Chapter 8
Alternative Financing Policies Dividend policies Constant growth Fixed payout Residual Equity issuance and repurchase Debt as fixed percent of market value DES Chapter 8
Interest Income and Expense Based on average levels of debt and short-term investments DES Chapter 8
When Projections Aren’t a Proportional Percentage of Sales Linear with intercept SGA = fixed expenses + sales (variable costs % of sales) = a + b(sales) DES Chapter 8
Estimating a and b In Excel, use the =INTERCEPT and the =SLOPE functions to find the values of a and b. Use these values of a and b to project SGA. SGA = 55.4 + 0.1610(Sales) See the file Ch 08 Projection- Linear with Intercept.xls. DES Chapter 8
SGA = 55.4 + 0.1610(sales) SGA = 0.2252(sales) DES Chapter 8
Nonlinear Models Quadratic model Useful for assets that must increase at a decreasing rate with sales Often inventory behaves like this See the file Ch 08 Projections- Nonlinear (Quadratic) Inventory.xls. DES Chapter 8
Inventory Example 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Sales 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Sales2 2,500 3,600 4,900 6,400 8,100 10,000 12,100 14,400 Inventory 11 13 15 18 20 22 24 25 Using the =LINEST function in Excel, the equation that best fits the inventory and sales data is Inventory = -0.00071(Sales2) + 0.331(Sales) – 4.10 DES Chapter 8
Inventory Example … Or, if log fit used (see file Ch 08 Projections- Nonlinear (Quadratic) Inventory.xls): Inventory = -55.8 + 16.9(ln[sales]) Notice in next slide’s graph, quadratic and log projections agree quite closely through sales levels of 225 or so, but diverge rapidly after that. DES Chapter 8
DES Chapter 8
Comparison with Linear Models The linear and nonlinear models agree on the fitted data through 2002, but disagree in their projections. The choice of which to use—a linear model or a nonlinear model—depends on how you really expect the asset (in this case, inventory) to grow as the firm grows. DES Chapter 8
DES Chapter 8
Lumpy Assets Not all assets can be purchased or acquired in bits and pieces. i.e, usually an entire plant must be built at one time—not half a plant one year, and another half several years later. See file Ch 08 Projections- Lumpy Assets.xls DES Chapter 8
DES Chapter 8
Projecting Lumpy Assets When excess capacity, assets don’t have to grow very much to support sales. So either: Input the actual level of assets, or Choose a ratio of asset/sales, such as Net PPE / Sales, that initially declines (reflecting the firm won’t have to add assets to support sales), and then has a large increase to reflect addition of a lumpy asset. DES Chapter 8
Alternative Dividend Policies Ch. 6 & 7 assumed constant growth policy. Other policies are Fixed payout ratio policy Residual dividend policy See files Ch 08 Financing- Fixed Payout Policy.xls and Ch 08 Financing- Residual Dividend Model.xls. DES Chapter 8
Fixed Payout Ratio Policy Very simple: Assume company pays out fixed %, say 20%, of net income. If net income < zero, then company pays zero dividend. Many companies do target a payout ratio—at least over a several-year period. Produces dividends that are more volatile than fixed growth rate policy. DES Chapter 8
Balancing Under Fixed Payout Ratio Policy The balance sheet is balanced same way as in constant “g” div. policy. If liabilities too small, then first marketable securities sold, & then short term debt added. If assets too small, then first S/T Debt is retired, & then S/T investments added. DES Chapter 8
Residual Dividend Policy Assets and liabilities set at desired levels, & then dividend pmt is adjusted to make balance sheet balance. In essence, firm pays out everything not needed. DES Chapter 8
Balancing Under Residual Dividend Policy First, start out with dividends = 0. If liabilities too small, reduce S/T/Invests to zero. If liabilities still too small, then add S/T/Debt until the balance sheet balances. DES Chapter 8
Balancing when Assets Are Too Small If assets are too small (so liabilities are too big), first reduce S/T/Debt to zero. If assets still too small, then instead of sticking excess cash in S/T/ Investments, pay out excess as a dividend. So, instead of accumulating marketable securities when it has excess cash, firm will pay dividends. DES Chapter 8
Residual Dividend Policy The residual dividend policy results in more volatile dividends than constant growth policy or fixed payout ratio policy. DES Chapter 8
Dividends in Practice Management tries to avoid negative “surprises” from reducing dividends. Try to set a stable policy that can be maintained from year-to-year. Many firms use residual model to estimate dividends over next five-year period, then base growth rate on these results. DES Chapter 8
Dividends in Practice Many firms use residual model to estimate dividends over next five-year period, then pay dividends each year using smooth annual growth rate based on the five-year average growth from the residual model. DES Chapter 8
Stock Repurchases Impact is similar to a dividend, but with some differences: Dividends reduce equity by reducing retained earnings. Repurchases reduce equity by reducing “common stock at par value and paid in capital.” See Ch 08 Financing- Repurchase Equity.xls DES Chapter 8
Repurchases Repurchases do not create or destroy value The cash distributed is a reduction in equity value Pre-repurchase value of firm = post-repurchase value + cash distributed to shareholders DES Chapter 8
Repurchases As for projections, the only complicated issue is how many shares will remain after the repurchase. If Ppre is the stock price before the repurchase, and Npre shares before, and Ppost is the stock price after the repurchase, and Npost shares after, and R is the dollar amount repurchased then DES Chapter 8
Repurchases NpostPpre = PpreNpre - R Npost = Npre - R/Ppre If used in a valuation model, it is often easier to write this as (VE is value of equity as calculated in valuation spreadsheet): Npost = Npre[ VEpost/(VEpost + R) ] DES Chapter 8
Repurchases Choice of how to distribute cash to shareholders—either through dividends or repurchases—doesn’t influence current intrinsic stock price. However, future stock prices will be higher with repurchases relative to dividend payments, since # of shares of stock fall. But future wealth of shareholders is same whether firm distributes cash as dividends or repurchases. DES Chapter 8
Issuing New Common Equity This is the reverse of a repurchase. If R is the amount the company raises in an equity issue, and Ppre is the price before the issue, and Ppost is the price after the issue then: NpostPpost = Ppre Npre + R See the file Ch 08 Financing- Issue Equity.xls DES Chapter 8
New Common Equity Npost = Npre + R/Ppre Or, more conveniently for use in spreadsheet valuation models: Npost = Npre + VEpre/(VEpre – R) DES Chapter 8
Debt as a Proportion of Market Value Finance theory says companies should use market values rather than book values to choose debt levels. In last chapter, we projected debt as a % of op. capital because hadn’t yet determined value of company. DES Chapter 8
Steps for Using Market Value Weights for Debt Decide on target percentage, wD. Make operating projections, including taxes on operating profits. Project NOPAT, investment in operating capital, and FCF. Use these to calculate Value of Ops in each year. DES Chapter 8
Steps… Set long-term debt to be the specified percent of Value of Ops—and make fin. stmts balance using one of dividend policies discussed. See file Ch 08 Financing- Debt as % of Value of Operations.xls. DES Chapter 8
Interest Expense Based on Average Debt During Year In last chapter, interest expense was based on beginning of year debt level This understates interest expense when debt level is growing, as it will for most stable, growing firms. DES Chapter 8
Interest Expense… Interest expense based on average of the end-of-year and beginning-of-year debt levels gives better estimate of interest firm actually pays. However, this results in interdependencies between debt level and net income. DES Chapter 8
Interdependencies—When Interest Expense Is Based on Current Year’s Debt Net income depends on interest expense. Interest expense depends on debt. Debt depends on required financing. Required financing depends on retained earnings. Retained earnings depends on net income. Net income depends on interest expense… DES Chapter 8
Interdependencies This gives rise to a circular reference when formulas for interest expense as a function of the current year-end debt, or average of the beginning and ending debt levels, is programmed into a spreadsheet. DES Chapter 8
Circularity Fortunately, Excel can resolve the circularity by iterating. See the file Ch 08 Financing- Interest Based on Average.xls. Make sure your spreadsheet will automatically iterate: Tools, Options, Iteration, then check box. DES Chapter 8