Minoan Legacy
Spectator Sports The Minoans had a comfortable enough life that they had time for recreational sports. Bull Leaping became the first spectator sport in the ancient world.
Fast Ships The Minoans added two and three masts to their sailing ships to be able to sail faster and avoid danger, like pirates.
Woman have more equal status Minoan women could do more than just take care of their families. They could attend and participate in sporting events, go hunting in chariots, and own businesses. Their main deity was the Earth Goddess.
Frescoes Minoans created wall art using paints and wet plaster that lasted over time.
Parchment windows The Minoans used parchment over windows and doors to allow light into their homes but have some privacy. The parchment was a thin animal skin.
Legend of Atlantis The eruption of the volcano on Thera and the abrupt end to the Minoan civilization caused the Egyptians to think that maybe the Minoan civilization had sunk into the ocean..