The odyssey Book Twenty Three
Book Twenty Three Upstairs, Penelope has fallen into a deep sleep, the best she has had in years, she does not notice all the commotion going on down below in the hall. The old maid Eurycleia goes up to awaken her. She tells her that Odysseus has returned home and killed the suitors. She explains how she recognised Odysseus’ scar. The suspicious Penelope is slow to believe all this. Penelope comes down stairs and sits across from Odysseus. She fails to recognise him at this point. Telemachos rebukes her for not talking to her husband.
Book Twenty Three Odysseus orders music and entertainment, he does not want any news of the suitors’ death to leak out. For the moment all has to appear normal. Odysseus is bathed and dressed. He takes on his noble appearance once again. Penelope asks Eurycleia to bring out Odysseus’ bed so he can sleep in it. Odysseus replies that this would be hard to do. He made the bed himself, around a fixed olive tree. The stem of this tree which sprouted from the ground, acted as one of the bedposts. Penelope sets this as a test.
Book Twenty Three When Penelope hears this she finally accepts her husband has returned home and is standing before her. She asks Odysseus not to be cross with her. “You have convinced your unbelieving wife”. Odysseus then recounts his journey to his wife when they are in bed together. The book ends with Odysseus, Telemachus and others, strapping on armour and heading away from the palace. He is preparing for the revenge of the suitors’ relatives and to meet his father Laertes.
Book Twenty Three: Important Points Penelope’s intelligence is clearly abundant. The wise Odysseus doesn’t even suspect this test, designed to detect the authenticity of her husband. The pivotal moment in book 23, is the eventual reunion between Penelope and Odysseus. However, this seems to be anti-climactic. Odysseus has more business to attend to once again leave his home, armed, to prepare for another conflict (with the suitors relatives).
Book Twenty Three : Questions Describe the test that Penelope sets for Odysseus and explain what it shows us.