Welcome to Ms. Wagner’s Classroom
About me Masters in Reading and Curriculum Instruction Seventh year at Coronado in second grade
My Rules and Expectations Class Dojo- positive/negative points Parent instant messages and weekly reports My only rule - Respect Red Folders - Calendar - Fake money- use for treasure box or to buy coupons
Classroom Schedule 12:30 Read Aloud/ Calendar 8:05 Morning Work 12:50 Language Arts 1:20 Center 1:50 Reading 2:30 A.R. 8:05 Morning Work 8:20 Writing 8:50 Challenge Team 9:40 Science/S.S 10:20 Specials 11:05 Math 12:00 Lunch
Challenge Team Students are grouped based on their needs. They will work on the five main components of reading based on their needs Fluency Comprehension Sight Words Phonics Phonemic Awareness
Reading Fluency- 111wpm Comprehension-90% Individual A.R. goals Site Words- 350 Phonic skills- within words vowel pairs
Math Place value to 1,000 Addition and subtraction to 200 Money – count to $2.00 word problems $1.00 Word problems to 200 Structure and Logic Time and fractions Beginning understanding of Multiplication and Division
Required Fluencies
Standard Algorithms Kinder 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Add w/in 10 Multi-digit whole # Subtract w/in 20 Multiply 4x1,2x2 digits Multi-digits Divide 1 digit divisors 2 digit divisors Multi-digit divisors Fractions Intro +/-fractions with like den.; mult by whole # +/-fractions with unlike den.; multiply fractions; ÷ unit fraction and whole # ÷ fractions Decimals +/-/x/÷ Standard Algorithms Pink cells are when the standard algorithm is taught; up until that time – conceptual strategies are taught
12:00pm-12:30pm Lunch Lunch first then recess Students raise their hand to be dismissed to recess
Science /Social Studies Investigating Matter Human body Weather Life cycle of Insects and mammals Social Studies Communities Geography American Colonization American Revolution Economics
Writing Letter writing Personal Narratives Reports Persuasive writing Opinion writing Penmanship (D’nealy)
10:20-11:05 Specials Monday- Art Tuesday- Library Wednesday- No specials/computer Thursday- P.E wear tennis shoes Friday-Music
A.R. Star test at the beginning of each quarter. This test will show your child’s A.R. reading level. Each child should read and take at least three (or one chapter) test a week. 5 point goal first quarter Percentage goal of 85% on tests -Star levels coming home soon
3:05 Dismissal Dismissal is at 3:05pm Wednesday’s 1pm
1st Quarter Reading Math - Addition & Subtraction strategies to 20 - Short and long vowels - How a characters changes throughout a story - Literary Elements of a Story/ Nonfiction stories - Dictionary practice -Abc order to the 2nd letter - compound words Writing - How to write a letter? - Narratives - Math - Addition & Subtraction strategies to 20 - Place value to 1,000 - Adding 2 and 3 digit numbers Science Exploring matter Social Studies What is a community? Mapping
Curriculum Maps Online Visit our website to find your student’s curriculum maps by grade level and content area.
Grades Reporting periods occur about every 4-5 weeks. About ½ way through each quarter, you will receive a “progress report” to let you know how your child is doing at that point. After each quarter, you will receive a report card. The K-5 Grade Reports to Parents include the following levels of performance: 4 = Above benchmark / Exceeds current grade level expectations 3 = Meets benchmark / At grade level expectations 2 = Approaching benchmark / Improving but not consistent 1 = Below grade level / Needs more time and support Blank = Not yet introduced You can login to ParentVue at any time to check your child’s progress
Homework Blue Folder Fluency Comprehension Math Facts (http://www.oakdale.k12.ca.us/ENY_Hmwk_Intro_Math) Spelling Spellingcity (challenge or normal) -Everyone studies the 5 HF words A.R. (20min) Sight Words IXL Returned Friday’s Sign weekly
Field trips Two field trips TBD Desert Botanical End of March/ Beg. April Volunteers Must have background check
Volunteering Please sign up for the days and jobs you would like to volunteer at the desk in the back. If you would like to volunteer but are unsure of the exact dates or can not commit to a set schedule, just email me the day before you would like to come in! This way I can set aside projects that need to be completed. Field trip volunteers will be a first returned basis for the permission slip form.
Don’t Forget to stop by Flipside tomorrow!! Please Visit my website! http://www.husd.org//Domain/1951 Looking forward to making this a great year!