Pre-Participation Physical Exam Mrs. Frasca
Pre-Participation Physical Examination A comprehensive assessment of an athlete’s overall health and ability to perform a sport at the highest level
Pre-Participation Physical Exam Emphasizes areas of greatest concern in sports participation Identifies problem areas in the athlete’s history
Timing of Exam The PPE should occur approximately 6 weeks before the athlete’s sports season This gives students with musculoskeletal problems time for rehab and strengthening
Types of Exams Station-Based Physician’s Office-Based
Required PPE Stations Sign-In Height, weight Vital Signs Vision History review Physical exam (medical and orthopedic)
Optional Stations Flexibility Strength Body Composition (BMI) Speed, agility, balance, endurance Nutrition assessment Dental exam
Personnel Required Personnel: Recommended Personnel: Physician Nurse, Athletic Trainer, Physical Therapist, coach, Dietician, Dentist
Clearance Permission granted by a physician for an athlete to participate in a sporting event Permission based on the athlete’s physical exam results
Clearance Levels of Clearance: Unrestricted Restricted No Clearance Further evaluation or rehab required No Clearance Either for the whole sport or for certain activities
Sports: Level of Contact Contact or Collision Limited Contact Non-Contact Basketball Baseball Archery Boxing Cheerleading Badminton Field hockey Jumping Field Events Bowling Football Gymnastics Rowing Ice Hockey Ice Skating Dancing Lacrosse Skateboarding Throwing Field Events Martial Arts Snowboarding Golf Rugby Softball Running Ski Jumping Volleyball Swimming Soccer Surfing Tennis Water Polo Wrestling
Videos: Contact Sports Video clips highlighting the dangers of high and medium-contact sports
Assignment #2 “Tragic Sports Stories” 1.) Locate a story about someone who was seriously injured from a collision/contact sport Summarize what happened Who, when, where, what, how, etc. Include website URL (Tell me how to find website/article) **Must be in paragraph form!!**