European Union support to National Health Policies Health System Strengthening Support towards Universal Health Coverage Dr. Christopher KNAUTH (MCommH) EU Delegation Khartoum Khartoum, January 2017
European Values
European Values
European Values The health systems of the European Union are a central part of Europe's high levels of social protection, and contribute to social cohesion and social justice as well as to sustainable development. The overarching values of universality, access to good quality care, equity, and solidarity have been widely accepted in the work of the different EU institutions. Together they constitute a set of values that are shared across Europe.
EU Global Health Policiy
Council conclusions on the EU role in Global Health 2010 Council 2010, Council conclusions on the EU role in Global Health 3011th FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting Brussels, 10 May 2010.
1. Health as Human Right “Health is central in people's lives, including as a human right, and a key element for equitable and sustainable growth and development, including poverty reduction”
2. Reduce inequalities “The EU should support countries to put in place fair financing health schemes within social health protection models … and aim at achieving universal and equitable coverage of essential health services”
Comprehensive Health Systems Strengthening "The Council calls on the EU and its Member States to act together in all relevant internal and external policies and actions by prioritizing their support on strengthening comprehensive health systems in partner countries, which are central to all global health challenges. " Council 2010, Council conclusions on the EU role in Global Health 3011th FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting Brussels, 10 May 2010.¬
National Health Policies and Strategies "Since partner countries and their governments hold primary responsibility in this regard, this would require strengthening their capacities to develop, regulate, implement and monitor effective national health policies and strategies. This process should ensure full participation of the representatives of civil society and other relevant stakeholders, including the private sector." Council 2010, Council conclusions on the EU role in Global Health 3011th FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting Brussels, 10 May 2010.¬
HSS, rights-based approach, universal coverage "This support shall ensure that the main components of health systems – health workforce, access to medicines, infrastructure and logistics, financing and management - are effective enough to deliver universal coverage of basic quality care, through a holistic and rights based approach." Council 2010, Council conclusions on the EU role in Global Health 3011th FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting Brussels, 10 May 2010.¬
EU Development Cooperation for HSS and UHC
The “European Consensus” December 2005 Joint statement by The Council and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission on The European Union Development Policy
Towards a new European Consensus based on the SDG
25. The SDGs highlight the areas where continued progress is required to ensure human development and dignity. The EU and its Member States will pursue an end to hunger, universal health coverage, universal access to quality education and training, adequate and sustainable social protection and decent work for all, within a healthy environment. They will support partners in fulfilling their responsibility to strengthen their national policies and governance for the sustainable provision of essential services.
European Union support to National Health Policies Bilateral cooperation Multilateral cooperation EU-Luxemburg- WHO- UHC Partnership IHP+ /UHC 2030
Multilateral cooperation GFTAM GAVI
The EU-Lux/WHO UHC partnership Supporting Policy Dialogue on National Health Policies, Strategies and Plans For Universal Health Coverage 27 countries 2012-2018
Paper on ‘Health Systems Strengthening for UHC: Building a shared vision’ UHC2030: working together to strengthen health systems 12th-13th December 2016, Geneva
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