Maddy Crocker and Tyra Bell TG2: Tariffs Maddy Crocker and Tyra Bell
The tariffs of grover Cleveland Industrialists wanted higher tariffs and a gold based “sound” money system Farmers wanted cheaper tariffs and inflation so they could pay their debts off with produce Cleveland wanted tariffs to be reduced, beecause the government had a surplus of money. But when brought up to the public about tariff reduction Congress rejected it
Grover Cleveland Served as a sheriff Mayor of Buffalo Governor of New York Became President in 1885 Served two terms, not right after each other Won in 1884 and 1892
Election of 1888 Benjamin Harrison (Rep) Grover Cleveland (Dem)
Who hated Cleveland Politicians who opposed Civil Service Reform War Veterans disliked the veto of pension legislation Industrial leaders who disliked tax reduction Farmers who hated his support of the gold standard
Election of 1888 Nominating Convention- Chicago Electoral Vote- 233 (Harrison) to 168 (Cleveland) Popular Votes- 5,534,488 (Harrison) to 5,443,892 (Cleveland)
Election Results
Harrisons Presidency Elected in 1888 Elected at the age of 55 Republicans held majority in both houses of Congress during the first half of his term Resulted in the enactment of Harrison’s legislative program Democrats won control of the House of Representatives in election of 1890 Republican majority reduced to six Reflected public disapproval of the funds spent by Congress, which reached almost one billion dollars
McKinley tariff of 1890 Act of US Congress Became law on October 1, 1890 Raised average duty on imports to almost fifty percent Designed to protect domestic industries from foreign competition
Billion Dollar Congress Passed the Pension Act of 1890 Provided pensions for all Union Civil War Veterans who served for 90 days and were no longer capable of manual labor Solved dilemma of excessive surplus
Sherman Anti-Trust Act Named after John Sherman Outlawed monopolistic business practices Made to regulate interstate commerce Passed the senate vote 51 to 1 and the house by 242 to 0 Signed by Benjamin Harrison Trusts became dominant part in industry Destroyed competitions
Annexation Of Hawaii Big businesses wanted the annexation of Hawaii Natives however didn’t want to be annexed due to the fact that they were a sovereign, independent nation Harrison rushed a treaty of annexation before the end of his term Cleveland won presidency and withdrew treaty Business elite unfairly pressured the President to annex Hawaii Hawaii was annexed on July 7th, 1898
States Admitted to Union by President Harrison Admitted 6 states North and South Dakota 1889 Montana 1889 Washington 1889 Idaho 1890 Wyoming 1890