As you enter… Please find the quotes posted around the room Read the quote and decide if you agree with the quote or disagree with the quote Write on the poster why you agree or disagree
Objectives Participants will… Define and identify the needs and roles of a coach as they relate to implementing Effective Teaching Strategies for English learners, and begin constructing a coaching plan. Experience reflecting, problem solving, role playing, and writing a coaching implementation plan.
Review of Last Session Round Robin First person writes one thing that he/she remembers from yesterday and passes the paper clockwise. The next person records an idea and passes it again clockwise. This continues until everyone in the group has contributed an idea or the teacher calls time. Select a member of the group to share.
Coaching Coaching “is a helping and facilitative process that enables individuals, groups/teams and organizations to acquire new skills, to improve existing skills, competence and performance, and to enhance their personal effectiveness or personal development or personal growth” (Hamlin, Ellinger, & Beattie, 2009, p. 18).
Pick Your Leisure Activity What do you like to do in your free-time (if it is not posted, pick one anyway) Find your corner Discuss, the challenges do you think your role as a coach will present or currently presents? And What untapped opportunities do you think your role as a coach will present or currently presents? List the challenges and opportunities on chart paper Exchange information
WriteAround + ReadAround At your table use the strategy, “writearound” to consider your role as a coach. Begin your paragraph with: Coaching is…
Key Characteristics of Coaching Engaging in a discovery process Establishing an environment where individuals and groups can learn and develop Investing in behavioral change that is sustainable and can evolve Developing potential/growth
What makes someone “coachable”? Openness Willingness Desire for change Engaged Motivation to improve their knowledge, skills, and abilities Performance improvement
Coaching Consultation Protocol Exploration, Critique, and Reflection Coaches and teachers move in and out of these three dimensions as they discuss teacher beliefs and practices in the context of a specific lesson.
The Three Dimensions of Coaching Jigsaw Reading, Recording, and Retelling (pgs.7-10) Number off 1 – 3 Number 1’s read the section on Exploration Number 2’s read the section on Critique Number 3’s read the section on Reflection Work with your group to discuss the information and summarize using a graphic organizer Present your section to the whole group
Let’s Take A Break
Coaching Coaching is giving feedback to teachers after an observation NOT for evaluating but for helping teacher and students improve teaching and learning Feedback is not subjective; it is based on data collected during the observation Coach and teacher need to be engaged and committed Coaching ensures continuous professional growth
Coaching Process in which teachers transform practice through exploration, critique, and reflection (ongoing dialogue) Creates and maintain situation of collaborative professional development involving discussion between colleagues about improving approaches to educating English learners
The Observation Cycle Pre-observation conference Preliminary scheduling Pre-observation conference Observation Post-observation conference
Effective Coaching: Prior Knowledge and Experience Think about a time when someone has visited/observed your classroom or talked with you about your instruction (or you were the one visiting/observing). Which class visits, observations, or conversations were positive and productive? Which ones were not? How did you feel? Answer the questions and share with a partner. Then team up with another pair to form a square. Share responses again. Take additional notes as new ideas are mentioned. Think, Pair, Share, Square
Vignettes Read the vignette Jot down the positive and negative aspects depicted in the vignette Rate the teacher based on the SIOP Model Share with your table group how and why you rated the teacher
Preliminary scheduling At the preliminary scheduling meeting, the primary goal is to agree on convenient times for the observation and the pre-and post-observation conferences. The coach and the teacher can identify ways to communicate, google docs, email, telephone
Pre-observation conference Essential for establishing a foundation for the remainder of the observations. Establish clear expectations Determine focus and direction of the observation. develop objectives review the lesson plan schedule observation form of communication Start building relationship
Pre-observation conference
Observation How will the coach record the observation? Data collector, observing and recording Running records Scripting Graphic organizers Checklists
Building Background Video How did the teacher address the features of building background? What strategies did she use? How did the students respond?
Building Background Video
Lesson Delivery Video
Post-observation conference Data collected during the observation Phase drives the post-observation conference Facilitating discussion Teacher ownership Collaboration Open-ended questions Written feedback End with a plan
Post-Observation Conference
Gots and Wants On the green sticky please write your “Gots” from today’s session. On the purple sticky please write your “Wants” from today’s session.