Looking after yourself when you have Hep C Self-Care Looking after yourself when you have Hep C
Taking Care of your Liver Alcohol- Alcohol puts a strain on the liver so it is recommended to avoid it Drugs/Medication- Drugs and medication damage the liver Diet- it’s important to try and eat a healthy and balanced diet including : Fruit + veg Whole grains Dairy Lean protein
Diet- To maintain a healthy diet it is best to avoid food that is filled with salt, sugar and fat Weight- Fat can build up in your liver and this is more likely if your carrying extra weight Exercise- Is important for weight control but also to keep up your strength. Half a hour is recommended but if you have Hep C, you should consult with your Doctor
Vaccinations- Keep up to date with vaccination for other viruses that affect the liver, like Hep A&B to limit the risk of further liver damage Drink water- 8-10 glasses of water a day will keep you hydrated. You can add fruit to make it taste better
Holistic therapies Holistic therapies may also help with your overall health and wellbeing Therapies like yoga, acupuncture and mindfulness classes could be beneficial for your mental health as well It is important to get rest periods so planning respite breaks can help Liver massages can help with blood flow through the liver and you can do them every morning yourself
Safer Sex The chances of passing Hep C through sex are still small but there is still a slight risk. You can do things to minimise the risk Using condoms is the safest way to do this especially if having casual sex or sex with multiple partners Be carful to check that you have no open cuts or sores, as this could allow blood to blood contact Some types of sex carry a higher risk Your Hep C nurse/Doctor can talk to you about having sex while Hep C positive
Before, During and After Treatment Accessing counselling can provide support while waiting on treatment If possible getting support from your family/partner, could be a big help during this time It is essential to take medication as prescribed as having a set routine during treatment will make it easier
You will still have to attend some appointments once treatment is finished and it is important to engage with after-care If you complete treatment and are clear of Hep C, it does not mean that you are immune to it now, you can still catch it again keep up with all safety measures to prevent re-infection