100 minute paper assignment EE 501 Academic writing 100 minute paper assignment
EE 501 100-minute Paper Assignment 2 (you can start, you can download this slide from the course website) You have until 8:20 pm to produce a technical paper co-authored by all members of your group. The purpose of today’s exercise is to identify individual and group weaknesses, which we will address throughout the course. Topic: write a technical paper on the following subject: one-handed data entry for mobile work applications, including outdoors. You have to construct a logically sequenced presentation of material at the level suitable for any engineering (not necessarily electrical). Provide adequate background, describe SOTA, challenges, and best potential solutions. Separate solutions that can be achieved within a week based on the products available on the market from those that could be achieved within five years and millions of dollars of R&D funding. The quality of the essence of all suggestions will be judged. The paper should be exactly12 pages long (counting the cover page and the Table of Contents), either single-column or double-column, have 1.5 line spacing, Normal text has to be 11 points (captions and tables can be in smaller font, headings can be larger font). Any amount of white space on page 15 is ok. Start page numbering at page 2, which is the beginning of Table of Contents (cover page is page 1). You must present at least 4 figures, 4 tables, 4 equations, at least 2 of each generated by your group (not downloaded from internet), and at least 4 technical references. For figures, no more than 1 photograph is allowed: some figures should be graphs. Please identify which figures and tables were generated by your group from scratch. Figures, tables, equations, and references must be sequentially numbered and ordered throughout the paper, and they must be explicitly referred to in text prior to their appearance, and they should not be all on the same page or in the same subsection. Figures and tables should have descriptive and properly punctuated captions. The paper style should meet all general requirements of the IEEE format. List an IEEE conference that would be suitable for publishing a paper on this topic. Grading criteria: organization, clarity, grammar, appearance, inclusion of all required elements, adherence to the IEEE style, and content (realism, practicality, specificity, and broadness of the proposed solutions). Humor is acceptable, if you choose so, but only to a moderate degree. In order to receive credit, your name and student number must be on the front page in the list of authors. Submit the paper by email to mamishev@uw.edu before 8:20 pm in Word (or any other source) and in pdf (required). Late submissions will be severely penalized per minute – but multiple submissions are allowed. Providing a link instead of a file attachment is acceptable. In the case of multiple submissions from the same team, the last one before 8:20 pm will be graded. Paper naming convention: WizardsOfOz.pdf.