feature Key Words Unit 2 ● Week 2 Context Clue: A nose is a feature of a face. Context Clue: “This is one feature, or part, of his idea that was revolutionary for the time” (Plato and Aristotle, pg 152). Define: A feature of something is a main part or characteristic Ask: What is a feature of a house? feature
foundation Key Words Unit 2 ● Week 2 Context Clue: The foundation of the club is service to others Context Clue: “These two man laid the foundation, or the beginnings, for the way Europeans and American would one day think about government” (Plato and Aristotle, pg 152). Define: A foundation is the basis or support on which something is built. Ask: What is the foundation of your relationship with your best friend? foundation
principal Key Words Unit 2 ● Week 2 Context Clue: Hunting was a principal way early people got food. Context Clue: “This important, principal idea of Aristotle's was an inspiration to the founders of the United States” (Plato and Aristotle, pg 152). Define: Principal describes someone or something of main importance or value. Ask: Would you consider wheels to be a principal part of a car? Why or why not? principal
reliable Key Words Unit 2 ● Week 2 Context Clue: Our car is reliable because we have taken many trips in it, and it has never needed to be repaired Context Clue: “Plato did not think rule by the people was reliable or trustworthy” (Plato and Aristotle, pg 152). Define: A reliable person or thing can be depended on with confidence. Ask: Why would an employee want to hire a reliable person? reliable
restricted Key Words Unit 2 ● Week 2 Context Clue: Talking is restricted in the library. Context Clue: “Plato also felt that women should not be restricted to getting married” (Plato and Aristotle, pg 152). Define: When something is restricted, it is limited or not allowed. Ask: What are some restricted areas in your school? restricted
promoted Key Words Unit 2 ● Week 2 Context Clue: The celebrity promoted his favorite charity by talking about it interviews. Context Clue: “Although Plato worked for and promoted the suggestion that education should be required” (Plato and Aristotle, pg 152). Define: If you promoted something, you supported it and helped it continue to exist and grow better or stronger. Ask: What is a synonym for promoted? promoted
maintain Key Words Unit 2 ● Week 2 Context Clue: Studying and doing your homework will help you maintain good grades. Context Clue: “Warriors made up the second group, and were meant to maintain the state against enemies” (Plato and Aristotle, pg 152). Define: to keep something going and preserve it. Ask: If the car maintains its speed, does it slow down, speed up or remain the same? maintain
regions Key Words Unit 2 ● Week 2 Context Clue: Many regions of the US have cold winters. Context Clue: “He studied many different kinds of government in regions of Egypt” (Plato and Aristotle, pg 152). Define: are large areas of land that share a feature such as climate or geography. Ask: What regions of the United States have warm winters? regions
Function Words & Phrases Unit 2 ● Week 2 to touch on
Function Words & Phrases Unit 2 ● Week 2 to take a job
Function Words & Phrases Unit 2 ● Week 2 to teem with
to reach its height (to become the most successful) Function Words & Phrases Unit 2 ● Week 2 to reach its height (to become the most successful)
Basic Words Unit 2 ● Week 2 festival
Basic Words Unit 2 ● Week 2 schooling
Basic Words Unit 2 ● Week 2 household
Basic Words Unit 2 ● Week 2 sports
Basic Words Unit 2 ● Week 2 citizens
Basic Words Unit 2 ● Week 2 craftsman