Place of birth DATE OF BIRTH 30 march HEIGHT AND WEIGHT Charlemagne,Quebec DATE OF BIRTH 30 march HEIGHT AND WEIGHT 5ft in 171cm 53 kg
Physical appearance Eyes : Dark Brown Hair : She has naturally Dark Brown Hair and long brown hair
Family Father: Adhémar Dion Mother: Thérèse Siblings: Jacques Dion
Favourite place Florida Water Park Mansion
Dion enjoys playing golf. interests Dion enjoys playing golf.
Talents and habilities Spectacular vocal ranks spanning five octaves.Encore une soir
Things they are bad at: She runs a restaurant chain called Nickels witch she first opened in Québec in 1990. But, as of 1997, she is not affiliated to Nickels.
Canadian Cystie fibrosis foundation Charity Canadian Cystie fibrosis foundation
Charity Work or involvement Since 1982, and becane the foundation’S National Celebrity Patron in 1993. She has an emotional attachment to the foundation; her niece Karine succumbed to the disease at the age of sixteen, in Dion’s arms. In 2003, she joined a number of other celebrities, athletes, and politicians, ineluding Josh Goban and Yolanda Adams to support world children’s day a Global fundraising effort sponsored by McDonald’s.
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