Assembly Notes
Communication Annual Correspondence from Glen Annual Evaluation Information Job Description Annual Summary Matrix Training Plan Statement of goals Impact Statements Due to your Regional Supervisor and Marie Hanson by Nov. 1
Annual Evaluation Information Found At: Publication/Articles Applied Research Assessment of Clientele needs Competitive Grants Educational Programs Taught Fund Raising Educational Programs Facilitated Administration /Leadership Professional Improvement/ Inservice training Individual Educational Contacts Educational Materials Developed Professional Associations Awards & Honors Media & Marketing Work Related Service Collaboration & Interagency Cooperation Public Service Teaching Program Evaluation
Packet One Packet One includes: Table of Contents Offer Sheet History sheet Extended Term Track Curriculum Vitae Resume Job Description Training Plan Impact Statements Goal Statements Optional Narrative Annual Matrix
Packet Two Shows examples of work throughout year(s) Make sure you adhere to the limit of examples 2-3 per section Have best examples. Hint for this packet SAVE, SAVE, SAVE!!!!!
Packet 1 & 2 Packets I and II will be due in the state UW CES office on November 1, 2009 The candidate is responsible for preparing an original and three copies of both Packets I and II. The Original packets go to the State office, these will be reviewed by the state ET&P committee members Three additional packets will be distributed out to your area for Regional Peer Review
Time Commitments Important to remember Packets need to be into State office by November 1. Schedule time to work on Annual Summaries through out year. Take ten minutes each morning to fill in sections Stays fresh in your mind
Takes time to work on Annual Reporting. Takes even more time compiling reports for Extended Term & Promotion. Want to convey what you are doing. Don’t leave any doubt in the minds of others. Make it understandable, not everyone knows what you are doing. Make it flow easily. If it is hard to understand, then it will be harder for the committee to understand what you are saying.