Bridge of Strength Adaptations June 8, 2016 Bruce Casselton, Planner Ramsey County (MN) Workforce Solutions MFIP/DWP/SNAP Employment Services Division
Purpose Purpose To illustrate the steps in adapting the CWU Bridge of Strengths to Local Application: Desire/impetus to shift to participant driven focus New emphasis on participant goal setting Emphasis on coaching and enhanced coaching built upon motivational interviewing Need for tools to support these efforts Openness to education leading to career pathways
Ramsey County Workforce Solutions Strategic Role Ramsey County Workforce Solutions Financial stewardship & oversight Community partnership Direct service provider Program development based on evidence and use of evaluation to inform, adapt, replicate and advance programs The Ramsey County Workforce Solutions MFIP/DWP Employment Services Mission is to maximize resident economic self-sufficiency and family stabilization by: Encouraging and empowering all families to secure employment; Guiding families to increase their income and move out of poverty; Preventing long-term reliance on public assistance as a primary source of family income. The Ramsey County Workforce Solutions MFIP/DWP Employment Services Vision is to provide residents on public assistance opportunities for improved employment and family stabilization.
Beginning in 2013: Ideas to Action Building a Foundation:2013 to Present Beginning in 2013: Ideas to Action We wanted to move participant to center and increase the opportunity and benefit of engagement. We borrowed a philosophy and a template. We developed our own philosophy and our tool(s). We piloted them and talked with users and participants. We made some adjustments. We trained all of our counselors. We measured. We’re still testing as part of a larger intervention. We are doing more tweaks.
One Example From Employability Measure
Thank you, Commissioners
Thank you, Commissioners
New Practices Mapping Tool
DWP & MFIP Provider Resources