Professional Studies Rebecca Bartram Jo Dobb Child Development Professional Studies Rebecca Bartram Jo Dobb
The challenge Physical development? Language development? Social development? Human development? Jerome Bruner Noam Chomsky John Bowlby Uri Bronfenbrenner
Early development Language deprivation: Genie
Talk and deprivation In some areas of 10% of all children have long-term SLCN, linked to long-term deprivation. 50% of children start school with SLCN.
Language development and acquisition Language Acquisition Device (LAD) Noam Chomsky We are all genetically pre-programmed to acquire a language nb: language universals Language Acquisition Support System Jerome Bruner We are culturally encouraged to support the language of babies and young children nb: Motherese
What affects language development? Research evidence shows: The amount of language children hear is important What adults say to children is also important Co-operative interactions are very important The more they hear, the more time their parents spend talking with them and the more types of words they are exposed to, the more children use. Children seem to develop strong language skills when parents ask open-ended questions, ask children to elaborate, and focus on topics of interest to the child. Responding to what the child is talking about and having familiar routines also promote shared understanding. Conversations about how people feel and how that affects what they do, are important in learning social communication skills.
Social Development
Children, schools and society Childhood Compliance Creativity Schools and society Adulthood
Attachment theory How do we develop and learn how to develop strong emotional bonds? Impact of maternal deprivation Patterns of relationships between children and carers Behaviour problems: who has the problem?
Insecure Attachment Organised attachment Avoidant pattern Resistant/ ambivalent Disorganised attachment
Implications for schools Anxious attachment Pupil Teacher Task Antagonism towards adults Performance anxiety
Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory of Development (1979) Konrad Stei 2014
Physical development
Plenary: implications for school Language and deprivation Fine and gross motor skills Task avoidance How are the above relevant to you on placement? What are the implications?