Hacking: The Good and Bad sides In this presentation, we will talk about the good and bad sides of hacking, and also the different points of view on this issue. Group member: Te Pui Kian (A3872) Yap Wei Chun (A4035) Rex Tan Boon Hua (A3232) Rex Goh Wei Hock (A3344)
Outline of Presentation Meaning of Hacking & Hackers Brief history of Hacking Types of Hackers & their roles The Dark Sides The Good Sides
Meaning of Hacking & Hackers Generally, hacking means to breach into an individual/organization’s data storage and to steal sensitive data or mess around with the data stored. Hackers, on the other hand are the ones pulling the strings and doing the hacking. A hacker is a highly skilled computer expert that is able to compromise computer security.
Brief History of Hacking The first hacker appeared in the 1960's at the Massachusetts Institute Of Technology(MIT). During the 1970's, a different kind of hacker emerged, which were known as phone phreakers or phone hackers. Phreaks started to migrate to computers in the 1980's. After a few years, when the use of internet spread across the world, the number of hackers multiplied.
Types of Hackers and their roles There are 3 types of hackers that exist in the cyber world, which are “Black Hats”, “White Hats” and lastly, “Gray Hats”. (Hoffman,2013) These terms define different groups of hackers based on their behavior. Not all hackers are criminals or bad guys, there are some that are known to be ethical hackers.
Black Hat Hackers AKA Black hats are the type of hackers that violate computer security for personal gain. Black hats are hackers that perform illegal activities, the “Bad” type of hacker. They would find a new "zero-day" security vulnerability and would sell it to criminal organizations.(Hoffman,2013) Personal Gain = such as stealing credit card numbers, harvesting personal data for sale or for pure maliciousness. Such as performing a ddos attack against websites. Zero Day means that black hats are able to breach into the security with vulnerabilities organisations never even knew existed.
White Hat hackers AKA White hats, they are the complete opposite of the black hats, also called “Ethical Hackers”. They are experts in compromising computer security systems for good, ethical and legal purposes. White hats are employed to test an organization’s computer security systems. After compromising the computer security systems, they report back to the organization and informs them of the security vulnerability, which gives the organization a chance to improve their defenses.(Hoffman, 2013)
Gray Hat hackers AKA Gray Hats, they are hackers that fall somewhere in between a black hat and white hat, hence, the name gray hat, a mix of both. An example of what a gray hat would do, is rather than asking permission or getting hired by an organization, they find for the security vulnerability first, which is illegal but not for bad purposes. (Hoffman, 2013) After finding the security vulnerability, they inform the organization. Thus, giving the organization time to fix this vulnerability.
THE DARK SIDES Financial losses Loss of information Decreased privacy Damaged reputation
The Dark Sides Financial losses In 2011, Sony lost $170 million due to a hack on their PlayStation system, CitiGroup lost $2.7 million and AT&T lost $2 million as a result of hackers. (Morse, 2009) The cost of patching the holes in security, repaying customer losses, addressing lawsuits and weathering shutdowns of their systems contributed to those huge numbers. Hacking can cause damage to the computing devices of individuals and businesses, sometimes resulting in millions of dollars lost. Here are some negative effects of hackers that we will talk about.
The Dark Sides Loss of information Hacking can cause customer information and order information to be stolen and deleted, or a leak of top secret information could cause real-world security issues. For example, Servers at the Pentagon, FBI, Interpol and NASA have all been compromised at various points in the past ten years. (Morse, 2009)
The Dark Sides Decreased privacy When hackers gain access to your computer, they can see everything. Since much of the personal, professional and financial parts of our lives have moved online, we risk losing much more than money or information. A hacker with access to your email, social networking accounts and personal photos can very quickly destroy your privacy.
The Dark Sides Damaged Reputation Reputation damage for a company can be devastating to it’s fortunes. As an example, if a bank has been compromised multiple times, customers are less likely to give them their personal information.
The Good Sides An example of the “good” type of hackers that hack individuals/organizations for society, is the hacker group known as “Anonymous”. There are various things this group has done, for example, Anonymous began "Operation Free Korea." (Love, 2013) It's the group's effort to get "controversial leader Kim Jong-un to resign," "install free democracy," "abandon nuclear ambition," and grant "uncensored internet access" to its citizens. On the 3rd of April 2013, Anonymous released all 15,000 usernames and passwords for the government's web services and threatened to wipe its data. (Love, 2013)
The Good Sides The hacker group "Anonymous" also organized Operation DarkNet in October 2011. (Love, 2013) The sole purpose of this operation was to make sure child pornography would never be published on the net anymore.
Different Point of Views Some say: Hackers are the pioneers in this electronic frontier. They are seeing the dangers, the vulnerabilities, the shoddy, unethical, inappropriate business behaviour by communications and computing companies.
Different Point of Views On the other hand, some also say: Hackers are a problem, for business and for our personal use of the internet, because they raise the cost of us having access to it. Hackers are very troublesome to deal with as they are able to mask their locations. An average of 30 government officials are needed to catch just 1 hacker.
Are hackers the good or bad guy? As you can see, there are many different point of views on this issue. In my opinion, I would say Hackers are like coins, each having their own face.
Hackers are just people with innovative spirits and an in-depth knowledge of technology. Hackers are not necessarily criminals, though as long as crime has the potential to pay, there will always be some criminals who are hackers. There’s nothing wrong with the hacking knowledge itself, despite its potential applications. Therefore, hack however you please but with consideration of others. Do not make other people suffer due of your actions.
THE END Thank you!
References Lipka, M.(2015)”Percentage of companies that report systems hacked”[online]. Available at: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/percentage-of-companies-that-report-systems-hacked/ [Accessed 1st May 2016] Hoffman, C.(2013)”HTG Explains:What is a “Zero-Day” Exploit?(And How to Protect Yourself”[online].Available at: http://www.howtogeek.com/140262/htg-explains-what-is-a-zero- day-exploit-and-how-to-protect-yourself/ [Accessed 1st May 2016] Hoffman, C.(2013).”Black Hat Colors Explained: Black Hats, White Hats, Gray Hats”[online].Available at: http://www.howtogeek.com/157460/hacker-hat-colors-explained-black- hats-white-hats-and-gray-hats/ [Accessed 1st May 2016] Morse, S.(2009).”The Negative Effects of Hackers”[online].Available at: http://science.opposingviews.com/negative-effects-hackers-2867.html [Accessed 1st May 2016] Souza, C.(2014).”Why Hackers are Actually the Good Guys”[online].Available at: http://tech.co/hackers-good-guys-2014-11 [Accessed 1st May 2016] Schneier, B.(2014).”Are Hackers Outlaws or Watchdogs?”[online]. Available at: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/hackers/whoare/outlaws.html [Accessed 1st May 2016] Love, D.(2013).”8 Things That Anonymous, The Hacker ‘Terrorist’ Group, Has Done For Good”[Online]. Available at: http://www.businessinsider.com/good-hacks-by-anonymous-2013- 4?IR=T&r=US&IR=T [Accessed 1st May 2016]