Thinking, Language, and Intelligence So you think you’re smart, huh? Behaviorism was popular with John B. Watson stating that we should only be concerned with what we can observe. With the invention of the computer, more people became interested in metal processes; the ability to perform logical operations that can not be observed. This gave birth to Cognitive Psychology.
Thinking is the manipulation and transformation of information into memory. We often take this process for granted.
Concepts are categories used to group objects, events, and characteristics on the basis of common properties. Experts in a given area are able to see differences and make sub-categories that a novice is unable to make. Rosch made a distinction b/w will-defined concepts and fussy concepts. He believes that we often organize information into concepts by storing a prototype. We are thinking all the time about the past, future, concrete objects (cars, boats, buildings, places), abstract objects (freedom, integrity), reality and fantasy. Concepts help us to organize our thoughts.
Problem Solving Methods Problem solving is an attempt to find an appropriate way of attaining a goal when it is not readily available. IDEAL (Bransford & Stein, 1984) I identify the problem D define the problem E explore possible strategies A act on the strategies L look back and evaluate Algorithms Step by step procedures that guarantee a solution Heuristics Rules of thumb that can suggest a solution to a problem, but do not ensure that it will work Algorithms – math Heuristics – can’t find your way to your destination – you are lost you know you have to go north, so you turn in that direction – may be the right way, might not be.
Problem solving problems? Functional Fixedness – inability to solve a problem, because it is viewed only in terms of usual function Learning set – strategy that individuals use to solve problems Connect all the dots using 4 straight lines O O O
Problem solving problems? Availability Heuristic –judging the probability of an event by the ease with which prior occurrences come to mind Representative Heuristic – judging the probability of an event by how well it matches a prototype
Reasoning Inductive reasoning Deductive reasoning Specific General General Specific Inductive Reasoning – drawing conclusions about all members of a category based on observing only some member. Babysitters = nails in face Analog is a type of inductive reasoning – always made up of 4 parts. Relation b/w the first 2 is the same as the relation b/w the second 2. “Beethoven is to music as Picasso is to art.” Deductive reasoning- working with general statements to derive a specific conclusion (solving a mystery)
Convergent vs. Divergent thinking Creativity – the ability to think in novel ways and come up with unique solutions to problems. Convergent vs. Divergent thinking one correct answer vs. many answers to the same question
Characteristics of Creative People Commitment to a personal aesthetic or style They love to solve problems, untangle messy situations and come up with novel, yet simple solutions Excellence in problem-finding skills They come up with a lot of possible solutions, sort through them and select a preferred course of action Willingness to take risks They must accept failure. Failure is inevitable if one takes risks.
Characteristics of Creative People Enthusiasm for getting feedback They like to solve problems and generate multiple possibilities. In order to gain information for future possible solutions, creative people seek out advice (including criticism) from others. Joy from intrinsic rather than extrinsic rewards They like to work out solutions for the joy of possibly discovering the best possible outcome. These individuals do not solve problems for pay, compliments, or other external forms of reinforcement.