Sherlock Bones® Power Point Presentation


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Presentation transcript:

Sherlock Bones® Power Point Presentation Created by Anthony & Patricia Bertino Designed for use with Ward’s Kit 36-6082

At birth, you have approximately 450 bones which fuse at different times and rates to produce 206 adult bones

Background: The following bones were found in the woods Skull Femur Humerus Pelvis

Your assignment: Determine as much as you can about the remains that were found

Let’s reorganize the laboratory pages Remove staple from lab pages Re-staple pages 1-11 as a packet (directions) Re-staple pages 12-19 as a packet (data table) Re-staple pages 21-30 as a packet (reference pictures) Page 20 – list of all labeled bone regions ( leave separate for quick reference to labeled parts) Color coding of pages is also helpful

Another suggestion: Use the terms from page 20 to immediately label pages 22, 24, 29 and 30. You will save yourself time and confusion.

Measure Using a Vernier caliper Choose either the outside or inside scale Measurements will be to 1/10 of a mm Values are read with reference to the ‘zero’ mark. The zero mark represents the number of mm. Tenths of a mm. are read from the inside or outside scale where the sliding scale and permanent scale marks are aligned. See examples that follow.

Caliper Scales

Use the inside scale to determine the size of an opening.

Examples using the outside scale Femur head

16 mm+

No match Match! 22 mm+ 22.8 mm .8 read on upper scale

Outside measurement Lines match 7 mm+ 7.8mm

32.7 mm

45.6 mm Record the inside measurement

45.9 mm

In the frames that follow: Diagram references are shown in red Page references are shown in black

Determination of Sex using the skull Is the upper edge of the eye orbit ‘rounded’ or ‘sharp’? Yellow Steps 1 & 2 Check the edge with your finger Figure 13 number 13

Figure 14 number 15 Zygomatic process Yellow Step 3

External auditory meatus Figure 14 number 16 Yellow Step 3 External auditory meatus

Nuchal Crest Smooth – female Bumpy - male Yellow Step 4 Figure 15 number 18

External occipital bone with protuberance Figure 15 number 19 Yellow Step 5 External occipital bone with protuberance

External occipital protuberance Yellow Step 5 External occipital protuberance Figure 15 number 19

Frontal lobe – Low slanting or rounded & globular? Yellow Step 6 Figure 14 number 20

Male and Female Notice the slope of frontal bone is more pronounced on the male skull (Figure 10) than the female skull (Figure 12). Yellow Step 6

Mandible - lower jaw Yellow Step 7 Figure 14 number 22

Maxilla or upper jaw

Mandible – inferior view U or V shaped? Figure 15 number 21 Mandible – inferior view U or V shaped? Yellow Step 7

Yellow Step 8 Figure 14, number 22 Ramus of mandible

Angle of the jaw Figure 14 number 16 number 22 Yellow Step 8 Is the jaw slanting away from the upright or straight?

Race determination using measurements Blue, step 1

Figure 13 number 24 Blue, number 1 Naison – bridge of nose

Measuring nasal width from inside nasal cavity Figure 13 number 23 Measuring nasal width from inside nasal cavity Blue, step 1

Nasal Height-naison to nasal spine measured with caliper. Blue, step 1 Figure 13 number 24 Figure 13 number 25

Nasal Index Ratio: Width/ Height

Three races Figures 22, 23, 24 Caucasoid Negroid Mongoloid

Nasal spine Nasal Cavity Blue, step 3 Figure 14 number 25 Figure 13 number 27 maxilla Blue, step 3

Nasal Cavity Silling? Guttering? Smooth? Blue, step 4 Figure 13 numbers 25 & 26

Nasal spine is prominent in caucasoids.

Eye socket parallel to ground Frankfort position Eye socket parallel to ground Blue, section 5

Variations of Prognathism: Figures 17,19,21 Blue, step 5

Shape of orbits Eye orbits or Figure 13, number 13 Blue, step 6

Male or female skull? Notice the slope of the frontal bone. Angle of the jaw? What race? What do you think?

Some Criteria for Racial Determination from the Human Skull CAUCASOID NEGROID MONGOLOID Cheek bones receding ------- broad, wide outwardly sloping Nasal opening narrow & high wide & low narrow & high Nasal spine strong small ------- Criteria taken from Skinner, M and R.A. Lazenby 1983 Found! Human Remains, A Field Manual for the Recovery of the Recent Human Skeleton.  Archaeology Press, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C.

Prognathism Caucasoid Negroid Mongoloid Little or none Prognathism Little or none Moderate nasal spine No nasal spine Moderate n.s. Overbite & dental crowding Less overbite

Criteria for Racial Determination from the Human Skull CAUCASOID NEGROID MONGOLOID Shape: Rugged & oval Smooth & oval Smooth & rounded Cranial Vault Length long long long Cranial Vault Breadth narrow narrow broad Height high low middle Forehead sloping steep ------ Face: Breadth narrow narrow very wide  Height high low high  Profile straight prognathic middle Brow "beetling“ smooth -------  Orbit (Eye Sockets) triangular rectangular rounded  Criteria taken from Skinner, M and R.A. Lazenby 1983 Found! Human Remains, A Field Manual for the Recovery of the Recent Human Skeleton.  Archaeology Press, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C.

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You’ve done it! You have finished your SKULL observations! Congratulations You’ve done it! You have finished your SKULL observations!