Plasma/Cell Membrane Cell Membrane: controls entry & exit of any material Selectively permeable Occurs in ALL Types of cells
Cell Wall Function: support, protection, maintains shape Occurs in: prokaryotic cells & eukaryotic plant cells
Cell Membrane: contains phospholipid bilayer Location: all around cell Structure: double layer of lipids & phosphates
Phospholipid Functions regulates substance exchange Communicates with other cells Protects from environment
Cholesterol Location: between phospholipids, partway through layer Function: makes bilayer Stronger More flexible
Carbohydrates Location: attached to external surface of integral proteins Function: hold adjoining cells together OR or act as sites where viruses or chemical messengers (hormones) can attach
Proteins Location: through entire layer Function: transports larger substances across membrane
Cell Wall Location: outside cell, outside cell membrane Structure: cellulose Function: support, protection, maintains shape
Ex of organisms with cell wall Bacterial prokaryote Plants: tree cells Plants: Elodea
Plasma Membrane Construction Phospholipid: polar head: pasta wheels Nonpolar tails: red pipe cleaners Proteins: 2 plastic toys Cholesterol: 2 pieces of neon pink paper Carbohydrates: straw