– Site Visits Pre-Festival Day, Microsystem Festival Welcome to the co-creative learning at the pre-festival session where we will share with you the good examples in our health care system that came up as a result of many years with improvement work. Shared values, competence and skills, trust, innovation, working processes, accuracy, integration and person-centeredness; all those together are quality which has been a driving force for the County’s work for many years and they are still the basis for our ambition to create a resilient system for health and care and social welfare for the citizens at Jönköping County. In the morning, you will meet the Chief Executive of Region Jönköping County Agneta Jansmyr and Chief Executive of learning and Innovation Göran Henriks. They will share with you some facts and share with you their vision on leadership and improvement of health and care services in Jönköping County. In the afternoon, you will be divided into three groups and each group will go for study visits to one of our three hospital districts. You will visit different departments and units at the three hospitals in order to see the examples of improvement work where the innovative thinking, teamwork and person-centeredness were key elements to create new working processes and methods. We appreciate it very much that we get a chance to share our experiences with you and that we will take part of all the reflections and questions that will come up during this pre-festival day. This co-creative learning will hopefully give us energy to meet all future challenges.
Program for Site Visits 9.30-10.00 AM Registration and morning refreshments 10.00-12.00 AM Meeting with the leaders in the Region Jönköping County Agneta Jansmyr, CEO of Region Jönköping County Göran Henriks, Chief of Learning and Innovation at Region Jönköping County 12.00-1.00 PM Lunch on the bus/Qulturum 1.00-4.00/5.00 Site visits at the hospitals Ryhov County Hospital 1.00-2.00 PM Mobile Geriatric team Meet the inter-professional teams based at the Geriatric Rehabilitation Clinics. These teams are resources for the most sick patients, aged over 75, who suffer from advanced heart failure. The patients are helped in their homes, which have proven to be more convenient for both the patients and their relatives and most cost-effective for the hospitals. Patricia Herkel, Deputy unit manager Daniel Gustafsson, MD at Geriatrics 2.00-3.00 PM Self-dialyses unit Meet the Self-dialysis unit at Ryhov County Hospital. This unit is an example of patient empowerment. The unit has been created by and for the patients ‘’from scratches’’. Britt-Marie Banck, Section leader Patrik Blomqvist, Patient supporter 3.00-4.00 PM Alt.1 Cooperation in the best interests of the child An example of cooperation between staff from various clinics working with children scheduled for MRI examination under anesthesia. This cooperation results in less hospital visits and less anesthesia occasions for a child but also gives an economical gain for both the family and the hospital. Also, the examination results are accessible faster for the remittent as well as the parents. Ewa Geel, RN at Radiology Dep. Gunilla Yngve, RN at Intensive care unit 3.00-4.00 PM Alt.2 Learning café Learning café is a meeting place where the patients and relatives interact and exchange knowledge with the hospital staff. The meetings are designed and run by the ‘experienced patients’ and the content of the meetings are governed by the questions from the patients and relatives. Patrik Blomqvist, Patient Supporter
Program for Site Visits Höglandet Hospital 1.00-2.00 Esther, Network as a strategy for complex care The Esther Network is made of caregivers, clinicians, patients, and families who work to promote and improve the complex care in Region Jönköping County. “Esther” is a symbolic person, with complex care needs who requires the coordination and integration between hospital, primary care, home care, and community care. Esther is at the center of all our daily work. Esther network was ranked by CNN as one of the coolest innovations in the world in 2014. Anna Carlbom, Integrated care developer and Esther coordinator 2.00-3.00 PM Site visits at the Stroke unit Learn more about the Esther concept in praxis - working for the best of an elderly and his/her relatives. Incorporating the concept of elderly coordinators, care planning, focus groups and planning for discharge. Linda Jansson, Chief of the Unit and Esther Coach 3.00-4.00 PM Care for Elderly at Eksjö Municipality. Site visit at the Nursing Home. Learn more about the role and function of municipalities in the care for elderly and join a site visit at the nursing home Helena Martinsson , Chief of Care for Elderly in Eksjö Municipality 4.00-5.00 Transport to Jönköping
Program for Site Visits Värnamo Hospital 1.00-1.30 PM Site visit at the Intensive Care Unit Learn more about reducing CVC infections at the Department of Operations- and Intensive Care. This was done by introducing a structured and systematic improvement work that involved the anesthesiologists and nurses from every ward at the hospital. Since the new routines were introduced, the hospital hasn’t encountered any CVC infections. Magnus Trofast, Business manager 1.00-2.30 PM Site visit at the Emergency Unit. Learn more about the quality journey done at the Emergency Unit at Värnamo Hospital and their standardized triage system. Terje Blomstrand, Business manager 2.30-3.00 Afternoon refreshments 3.00-4.00 PM Site visit at the Mobile Geriatric team Meet the inter-professional teams based at the Geriatric Rehabilitation Clinics. These teams are resources for the most sick patients, aged over 75, who suffer from advanced heart failure. The patients are helped in their homes, which have proven to be more convenient for both the patients and their relatives and most cost-effective for the hospitals. Björn Persson, MD at Geriatrics 4.00-5.00 PM Transport to Jönköping