Computer Apps Honors: A trip down memory lane Maegan Kline
Internet Its easy to find really new websites that you have yet to discover Its easy to find interesting websites for any type of topic It will help with future research topics
Google Type only the key words into search bar Google forms can help you with getting feedback Helps with getting the best search results possible
Word You can format your document anyway you would like You can add different charts and tables on your document This will help with my future papers and it helps in the future
Excel Use formulas in your spreadsheet Use color coding to make data easier to find It helps with the simpicity of the spreadsheet
PowerPoint Don’t go overboard with the animations Use 30 words or less on slides It helps me with making my future presentations look professional and clean cut
Advice for Future Students The advice I would give a student just beginning this course is that the programs that you use are more complex than you think they are, so it is a lot more difficult than you think it is. Don’t get too cocky when you do the SAMs either.
Values In this class I learned important skills on the computer that I need to know for future jobs and for myself. It has already helped me with my papers and projects.