ABSTRACT The main objective of the project is to develop a wireless energy meter. The microcontroller takes the reading from the energy meter and displays the reading on the LCD. The reading of the energy meter is also sent to the cell phone of the user by a message through GSM modem. This project is powered by an on-board power supply takes the ac power and converts it into dc power that is fed to on-board devices and integrated circuits.
POWER SUPPLY Bridge rectifier 5v Regulator 230 V AC 50 Hz 5V DC Filter(470µf) 12V step down transformer
ENERGY METER An energy or electric meter is a device that measures the amount of electrical energy consumed by a residence, business, or an electrically-powered device. Electric meters are typically calibrated in billing units, the most common one being the kilowatt hour. Periodic readings of electric meters establish billing cycles and energy used during a cycle.
It is a smaller computer Has on-chip RAM, ROM, I/O ports... MICROCONTROLLER It is a smaller computer Has on-chip RAM, ROM, I/O ports... RAM ROM I/O Port Timer Serial COM Port Microcontroller CPU A single chip
INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF A MICRO CONTROLLER-AT89S52/51 CPU On-chip RAM On-chip ROM for program code 4 I/O Ports Timer 0 Serial Port OSC Interrupt Control External interrupts Timer 1 Timer/Counter Bus Control TxD RxD P0 P1 P2 P3 Address/Data Counter Inputs
Features of AT89S51/52 Compatible with MCS®-51 Products 8K Bytes of In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash Memory Endurance: 10,000 Write/Erase Cycles 4.0V to 5.5V Operating Range Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 33 MHz 256 x 8-bit Internal RAM 32 Programmable I/O Lines Three 16-bit Timer/Counters Eight Interrupt Sources Full Duplex UART Serial Channel Interrupt Recovery from Power-down Mode Watchdog Timer Dual Data Pointer
Pin Description
IR LED An IR LED, also known as IR transmitter, is a special purpose LED that transmits infrared rays in the range of 760 nm wavelength. Such LEDs are usually made of gallium arsenide or aluminum gallium arsenide. They, along with IR receivers, are commonly used as sensors. The appearance is same as a common LED. Since the human eye cannot see the infrared radiations, it is not possible for a person to identify whether the IR LED is working or not, unlike a common LED. To overcome this problem, the camera on a cell phone can be used. The camera can show us the IR rays being emanated from the IR LED in a circuit.
PHOTO DIODE A photodiode is a type of photo detector capable of converting light into either current or voltage, depending upon the mode of operation. Photodiodes are similar to regular semiconductor diodes except that they may be either exposed (to detect vacuum UV or X-rays) or packaged with a window or optical fibred connection to allow light to reach the sensitive part of the device.
BC547 The BC547 transistor is an NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor. The BC547 transistor is a general-purpose transistor in small plastic packages. It is used in general-purpose switching and amplification BC847/BC547 series 45 V, 100 mA NPN general-purpose transistors. Whenever base is high, then current starts flowing through base and emitter and after that only current will pass from collector to emitter
DB9 CONNECTOR The DB9 (originally DE-9) connector is an analog 9-pin plug of the D-Sub miniature connector family (D-Sub or Sub-D).
MAX 232 The MAX232 is an integrated circuit that converts signals from an RS-232serial port to signals suitable for use in TTL compatible digital logic circuits. The MAX232 is a dual driver/receiver and typically converts the RX, TX, CTS and RTS signals . When a MAX232 IC receives a TTL level to convert, it changes a TTL Logic 0 to between +3 and +15V, and changes TTL Logic 1 to between -3 to -15V, and vice versa for converting from RS232 to TTL.
GSM COMMUNICATION The term GSM usually means the GSM standard and protocols in the frequency spectrum around 900MHz. MS - Mobile Station: The MS is the physical equipment used by a subscriber, most often a normal hand-held cellular telephone. BTS -Base Transceiver Station: The BTS comprises the radio transmission and reception devices, and also manages the signal processing related to the air interface.
GSM MODEM A GSM modem is a specialized type of modem which accepts a SIM card, and operates over a subscription to a mobile operator, just like a mobile phone. From the mobile operator perspective, a GSM modem looks just like a mobile phone. When a GSM modem is connected to a computer, this allows the computer to use the GSM modem to communicate over the mobile network. While these GSM modems are most frequently used to provide mobile internet connectivity, many of them can also be used for sending and receiving SMS and MMS messages.
LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY (LCD) Most common LCDs connected to the microcontrollers are 16x2 and 20x2 displays. This means 16 characters per line by 2 lines and 20 characters per line by 2 lines, respectively. The standard is referred to as HD44780U, which refers to the controller chip which receives data from an external source (and communicates directly with the LCD.
If an 8-bit data bus is used the LCD will require 11 data lines LCD BACKGROUND If an 8-bit data bus is used the LCD will require 11 data lines (3 control lines plus the 8 lines for the data bus) The three control lines are referred to as EN, RS, and RW EN=Enable (used to tell the LCD that you are sending it data) RS=Register Select (When RS is low (0), data is treated as a command) (When RS is High(1), data being sent is text data ) R/W=Read/Write (When RW is low (0), the data written to the LCD) (When RW is low (0), the data reading to the LCD)
WORKING OF PROJECT This arrangement of photo diode & IR led removes the reflecting IR light falling on the photo diode if the cover of the energy meter is removed resulting in obstacle between IR transmitter and photo diode Q1 getting switch OFF. There by placing logic HIGH at pin no12. This change in logic sends a pre-shorted message from the microcontroller. Through the max232 to the GSM modem to the destination number. Where tempering of the meter is received.
Software Requirements Keil an ARM Company makes C compilers, macro assemblers, real-time kernels, debuggers, simulators, integrated environments, evaluation boards, and emulators for ARM7/ARM9/Cortex-M3, XC16x/C16x/ST10, 251, and 8051 MCU families. Compilers are programs used to convert a High Level Language to object code. Desktop compilers produce an output object code for the underlying microprocessor, but not for other microprocessors.
i.e the programs written in one of the HLL like ‘C’ will compile the code to run on the system for a particular processor like x86 (underlying microprocessor in the computer). For example compilers for Dos platform is different from the Compilers for Unix platform So if one wants to define a compiler then compiler is a program that translates source code into object code.
BIBILOGRAPHY “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded systems” by Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi , Pearson Education. ATMEL 89S52 Data Sheets.