KEY CONCEPT Both genes and environment affect an animal’s behavior.
Innate behaviors are triggered by specific internal and external stimuli. An instinct is a complex inborn behavior. Instinctive behaviors share several characteristics. innate, or performed correctly the first time relatively inflexible
Many innate behaviors are triggered by a releaser. releaser is a simple signal: touch, sight, sound, scent herring gulls chicks and red dot releaser environmental factors can affect innate behaviors
Many behaviors have both innate and learned components. Learning takes many forms. Habituation occurs when an animal learns to ignore a repeated stimulus. Imprinting is a rapid and irreversible learning process. critical period Konrad Lorenz and graylag geese
In imitation, animals learn by observing the behaviors of others. young male songbirds learn songs by listening to adult males snow monkeys and potato-washing behavior
Learning is adaptive. Animals that can learn can better adapt to new situations. In associative learning, a specific action is associated with its consequences. Conditioning is one type of associative learning.
There are two types of conditioning. Classical conditioning: previously neutral stimulus associated with behavior triggered by different stimulus Ivan Pavlov and salivating dog
There are two types of conditioning. Operant conditioning: behavior increased or decreased by positive or negative reinforcement B.F. Skinner and “Skinner boxes”