Escaping the giant wave story summary By Dhruv Maheshwari. Jefferson Science Magnet School. 3rd. Grade, Rm. 37, Mrs. Ortiz’s class. Jan. 3rd, 2017.
Introduction Escaping the giant wave is the title of the book. The author is Peg Kehret. Peg Kehret is an American author, primarily writing for children between ages 11 and 15. She was born in La Crosse, Wisconsin on Nov. 11, 1936. After a normal childhood, she contracted Polio at the age 12.
setting First, the story took place inside a school in Kansas. Next, the story took place inside a house in Kansas. Next, the story took place inside a plane traveling from Kansas to Oregon. Then, the story took place inside a hotel in Fisher Beach, Oregon. Then, the story took place on Fisher Beach. Then, the story took place on a hill in the town of Fisher. Then, the story took place deep in the woods. Next, the story took place on Fisher Beach, again. Then, the story took place in a rescue island in Oregon. Finally, the story ended in Kansas.
Main characters There were 2 characters. Their names were Kyle and BeeBee. Kyle is 11 BeeBee is 8. Both of them are kind. They are brother and sister, and live together with their parents in Kansas.
Supporting characters Daren- The bully, and also Kyle’s enemy. Mom and Dad- Kyle and BeeBee’s parents. Norm and Josie- An old couple who helped Kyle and BeeBee walk up the hill. Pansy- Norm and Josie’s pet terrier who helped Kyle and BeeBee by sniffing out the second tsunami.
Story pt.1 The book is about 2 siblings named Kyle and BeeBee. They go to Oregon for vacation. Their parents rely on Kyle to take care of BeeBee while they are riding on a boat called the Elegant Empress. Daren is in Oregon for vacation too. He bullies everyone in their school. When Kyle and BeeBee are in their hotel room, there is a fire in the whole hotel. They take towels, and try to escape. BeeBee rides on Kyle’s shoulders while Kyle walks down the stairs, with the towel covering his nose from the smoke, BeeBee was covering her nose too. Kyle stepped on something squishy and BeeBee noticed that it was Daren, lying on the floor, unconscious. Kyle actually stepped on Daren’s face! BeeBee got off Kyle’s shoulders, Kyle and BeeBee carried Daren. Kyle was carrying Daren by the head, while BeeBee was carrying him by the legs.
Story pt.2 But when they got down the stairs, Daren woke up. He pushed BeeBee and rushed out the door. Kyle and BeeBee got out of the door and saw the fire was blazing everywhere. They rushed quickly, careful not to touch the fire. They ran on the spots where there was no fire. Before the fire there was an earthquake. When they were on the beach, they had seen a sign, it said: In case of earthquake go to higher ground or inland a tsunami may follow minutes after earthquake. There was an earthquake 15 minutes ago. When they reached a hill, they met an old couple their names were Norm and Josie. Kyle, BeeBee, Norm, and Josie went up the hill together. Norm and Josie have a dog named Pansy. After a long walk they reached the top of the hill. Norm and Josie couldn’t go inland anymore.
Story pt.3 BeeBee took Norm’s flashlight and Kyle and BeeBee started to walk inland. After a long walk, Pansy came running to them. She started to bark. Kyle thought Pansy was warning them about the tsunami. Kyle, BeeBee, and Pansy were running inland more. The they found a good place to hide, it was behind a thick tree. They started making a dog sandwich Kyle and BeeBee were the bread, and Pansy was the meat. They did this so they had more protection from the tsunami. The tsunami washed some of the branches on the tree, but the dog sand wich was not washed away. They went back to Fisher Beach. 2 girls came to Kyle, BeeBee, and Pansy. They took them to a helicopter and went 2 miles to a rescue station Kyle and BeeBee fed a sandwich to Pansy and they drank 2 juice boxes. They met Daren and Norm. Norm told them that Josie died. A school bus came and it held all of the members on the Elegant Empress. Kyle and BeeBee went back to Kansas with their parents.
My opinion It was a good book. I liked the book because of Kyle’s bravery. He helped BeeBee and took care of her. He returned meanness with kindness because he saved Daren even though Daren was mean to him.
My favorite part My favorite part was when Kyle saved Daren. It is my favorite because Kyle carried someone who is heavier than himself.