Critical Coastal Management Issues* Coastal Storm Mitigation Shoreline Erosion and Sea Level Rise Coastal Reinforcement and Strategic Retreat Protection of Coastal Wetlands From Beatley, et al. 1994. Intro. to Coastal Zone Management. Island Press, Washington, D.C. *
Critical Coastal Management Issues (cont) Protection of Coastal Waters Biodiversity and Habitat Conservation Shoreline Access; Private Property; Public Interest Planning and Urban Design
Coastal Storm Mitigation Hard structures (seawalls, groins) Soft structures (renourishment) Building setbacks, low density restrictions Building codes Evacuation plans
Coastal Storm Mitigation Loss of Life Loss of Property Evacuation
Shoreline Erosion and Sea Level Rise Erosion predominates over accretion Impact of man-made structures Global warming
Coastal Reinforcement and Strategic Retreat Setback lines and reconstruction following disaster Construction of seawalls, groins, jetties, breakwaters Leads to “New Jerseyization” of the shoreline Beach renourishment Sea Bright, New Jersey Daytona Beach, Florida
Protection of Coastal Wetlands Threats Draining/filling Construction pollution Sea level rise Incremental loss Clean Water Act (Section 404)
Protection of Coastal Waters Threats Point-source pollution Nonpoint-source pollution Best Management Practices
Biodiversity/Habitat Conservation High proportion of rare and endangered species Many species nearly totally dependent on coastal environments Need for habitat protection Habitat conservation plans (HCP) Catches by Portuguese fishermen are becoming smaller and smaller as populations of anchovies decrease
Shoreline Access; Private Property; Public Interest Private development seeks to keep public away from the shoreline Public access programs Regulations considered to be a private property “taking”
Planning and Urban Design Development regulations lead to “gentrification” Mobile home restrictions Construction standards Environmental regulations Displacement of less affluent Juxtaposition of affluent and poor communities
Planning and Urban Design Preservation of historic sites Community character and development standards Fire Island Lighthouse, New York Assateague Island Lighthouse, Virginia