Vanderbilt Tier 2 Project Charles Maguire, Project Director Department of Physics and Astronomy Vanderbilt University January 22, 2012
Overview Mission is to be the principal computing center for the CMS-HI research program at the LHC Receipt and long term storage of data heavy ion taken at the LHC Analysis center for processing these data, open to all CMS users Only center for doing re-reconstruction passes on the data Tier2 defined by Project Management and Acquisition Plan Five year project funding plan totaling $2.4M Three MoUs with CMS, FNAL, and Vanderbilt specify joint activities Chronology Initial funding authority for 3 years, starting November 1, 2010: $1.84M Expecting follow-up 2 year funding after a first phase review in 2013: $0.56M Activities documented in three periodic reports (last on Dec. 20, 2011) Has been performing its missions successfully since March 2011, including a major role in the 2011 data taking and file transfers January 22, 2012
Current Status Hardware from first two purchase stages in 2010 and 2011 60 dual-quad core nodes with 3 GB memory/core, 250 GB local disk 20 dual-hex nodes (newer) with 4 GB memory/core, 1 TB local disk Net 720 cores (job slots), with opportunistic bursting to 1050 jobs 20 networked disk depots, with 66 TB per depot (local I/O system) using RAID5 giving ~1.055 PB Currently 90% full on disk space, having both 2010 and 2011 data Final purchases on 3-year budget to be done in Spring 2012 Mix of cores and disk space to be determined based on anticipated physics beam choices for 2012 run: p+Pb, pp, and/or Pb+Pb January 22, 2012
Project Management and Acquisition Plan: Hardware and Staffing Costs at Vanderbilt Category 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total New CPU (HS06) 3268 5320 9120 23028 Total CPU 8588 17708 New Disk (TBytes) 485 280 300 135 1200 Total Disk 765 1065 Hardware Cost $258,850 $252,000 $309,000 $127,255 $947,105 Staffing Cost (To DOE) $180,476 $188,285 $195,816 $202,649 $211,795 $980,021 Total Cost $439,326 $440,285 $504,816 $330,904 $1,927,126 (To Vanderbilt) January 22, 2012
Project Management and Acquisition Plan: Tape Archiving Costs at Fermilab Category 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total Tape Volume (PB) 0.6 1.0 0.5 1.4 4.9 Cost to DOE $94,000 $103,000 $40,000 $116,000 $120,000 $473,000 January 22, 2012
Transfers of 2011 PbPb RECO Data Begin November 15, End December 13 Transferred 385 TB of PbPb RECO data from CERN T0 to Vanderbilt T2 Without Any Major Interruption During 24 Days of Running Maximum rate of 345 MB/s corresponding to 30 TB/day ! January 22, 2012
CMS Analysis Jobs at Vanderbilt Vanderbilt Tier 2 was officially opened for analysis jobs on April 15, 2011 Bursts of activity correlated with meetings preparations Drops in activity after meetings, or during 2011 run January 22, 2012