Records - Classified presented by Records Management Records Management Secretary of State Tre Hargett January 31, 2016 Our mission is to exceed the expectations of our customers, the taxpayers, by operating at the highest levels of accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and accountability in a customer-centered environment.
Do you ever feel like this over records?
What is a Record…… “‘Public record or records’ or ‘state record or records’ means all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, photographs, microfilms, electronic data processing files and output, films, sound recordings, or other material, regardless of physical form or characteristics made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by any governmental agency.” T.C.A. § 10-7-301(6)
Defined Records are the evidence of what the organization does. They capture its business activities and transactions such as contract negotiations, business correspondence, personnel files, and financial statements, just to name a few.
Examples of Records Budget Documents Payroll Documents Contracts Revenue Reports Investigation files Audit reports Personnel's files Grants Attendance and Leave Documents The test for determining whether a record is public is “whether it was made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by any governmental agency.” Griffin v. City of Knoxville, 821 S.W. 2d 921, 924 (Tenn. 1991).
Confidential vs. Non-Confidential Records are considered confidential if the state is not required to produce them in response to a public records request. These records are covered under a TCA or CFR citation. Examples of confidential records can be found under T.C.A. § 10-7-504 Medical records TBI investigative records Military records All other records are considered non-confidential. These are the records that the state is required to produce in a public records request. These records may contain sensitive information such as address, social security number, date of birth, etc. This information will need to be redacted if the records are requested in a public records request.
What are Working Papers…. According to the TCA § 10-7-301 (14) “Working papers” means those records created to serve as input for final reporting documents, including electronic data processed records, and/or computer output microfilm, and those records which become obsolete immediately after agency use or publication.
Statewide 17 Working papers are used to produce a record in its final form. For the purpose of this Records Disposition Authorization (RDA), working papers are those records that have no evidential or informational value once an action has been completed and do not relate to significant steps taken in preparing the final record. The record resulting from the working papers are then governed by its RDA. Working papers does not include records that have evidential or informational value that is needed to support the final record. Under no circumstance may documents of Fiscal, Legal, or Historic Value be considered Working Papers.
Examples of Working Papers….. Duplicates Drafts Transmittal letters or cover sheets Reproduced or published material from other offices. Stocks of publications (reports, brochures, plans, etc.) and forms, agendas, minutes
What are Temporary Records…. According to the TCA § 10-7-301(13) “Temporary Records are material which can be disposed of in a short period of time as being without value in documenting the function of an agency. Temporary records will be scheduled for disposal by requesting approval from the public records commission [PRC] utilizing a records disposition authorization [RDA]."
Statewide 16 These records are only considered records in that they are notes and/or communication media and may include correspondence below the Commissioner level, unless superseded by another RDA.
Examples of Temporary Records…. Voicemail Hand written messages/notes Text messages Email messages
Record Value Under no circumstance may documents of Fiscal, Legal, or Historic Value be considered Working Papers or Temporary Records.
Email Electronic Mail is not a records series. Email is categorized by content, that is how to determine the appropriate RDA. For preservation, email must be moved to a separate archive. This may be an agency server or specific established. Retain for the appropriate amount of time according to RDA.
What are Reference Materials…. Reference materials are various sources that provide background information or quick facts on any given topic. Reference sources are used to obtain a specific answer to a question or to indicate other sources to use during the research process. Although there are several types of reference sources, they all are categorized as either general or specific in scope. Reference materials are obviously those items most likely to be useful in answering reference questions.
Examples of Reference Materials Almanacs Bibliographies Indexes Atlases Handbooks TCA Books Blue Books Directories Encyclopedias Dictionaries Catalogs Trade Journals Periodicals