PROGRAM Thursday 27 April 2017 Park Royal Darling Harbour Public Schools Divisions Conference “Leading for Excellence - our students, our shared responsibility” PROGRAM Thursday 27 April 2017 Park Royal Darling Harbour
Public Schools Divisions Conference Program April 2017 “Leading for Excellence - our students, our shared responsibility” 8:00am Registrations 8:30am Acknowledgement of Country Mary Senj 8:35am Deputy Secretaries Welcome Georgina Harrisson Murat Dizdar 8:50am Co-Chairs Welcome Mary Senj and Brad Russell 9:00am Session 1 Secretary’s Address Mark Scott 9:45am Session 2 Joint Deputy Secretaries Address 10:30am Morning Tea 11:00am Session 3 School Excellence Framework - Feedback from Directors Jenny Donovan Mark Grant 12:30pm Session 4 School Operations and Performance Division Discussion and Q&A Main Auditorium Educational Services - Division Discussion and Q&A Georgina Harrisson Cockle Bay Room (L1) 1:30pm Lunch (Hotel to split the main auditorium into three rooms) 2:30pm Session 5 Workshop Session 1 - External Validation/Registration (Tables Groups 1,2,3,4,5) - SCOUT (Table Groups 6,7,8,9,10) - SPaRO, A-Z Tool (Table Groups 11,12,13,14) Bruce Inwood (Blackwattle 1) Jenny Donovan (Blackwattle 2) Mark Grant (Blackwattle 3) 3:10pm Session 6 Workshop Session 2 - External Validation/Registration (Table Groups 11,12,13,14) - SCOUT (Tables Groups 1,2,3,4,5) - SPaRO, A-Z Tool (Table Groups 6,7,8,9,10) 3:50pm Session 7 Workshop Session 3 - External Validation/Registration (Table Groups 6,7,8,9,10) - SCOUT (Table Groups11,12,13,14) - SPaRO, A-Z Tool (Tables Groups 1,2,3,4,5) 4:30pm Conference Close - Networking Function
“Leading for Excellence - our students, our shared responsibility” Session 1 and 2 Outlines Secretary’s Address Mark Scott 9:00am In this session Mark Scott, Secretary, will discuss his key directions for the Department and work being undertaken to achieve enhanced outcomes for the students in our schools. Session 2 Joint Deputy Secretaries Address Georgina Harrisson Murat Dizdar 9:45am Murat Dizdar, Deputy Secretary, School Operations and Performance and Georgina Harrisson, Deputy Secretary, Educational Services will introduce themselves and discuss their vision for the work that senior officers will undertake in 2017 and beyond. Georgina and Murat will discuss how they see the State Office and Operational Directorate connections being maintained. 10:30am Morning Tea
“Leading for Excellence - our students, our shared responsibility” Session 3 Outline School Excellence Framework Jenny Donovan Mark Grant 11:00am Jenny Donovan, Executive Director, Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation and Mark Grant, Executive Director, Leadership and High Performance will briefly introduce Executive Directors and Directors to the revised School Excellence Framework Document. In cross directorate groups, Directors will discuss the focus questions recording feedback to advise the next draft of the framework. Table groups for this activity are listed below: Table 1) Michele Hall, Andrew Fielding, Andries Treurnicht, Mitchel Stuyve, John Baker, Anne Ross, Kathy Powzun, Debbie-Lee Hughes Table 2) Kim Proctor, Rhonda Wheatley, Jean McLean, Rick Seretis, Kerrel Haire, Virginia Pacey, Ros Moxham, Carolynne Merchant Table 3) Jane Simmons, Mary Senj, Sandi Simpkins, Julie Kennedy, Dave Harvey, Sue Shelley, Jenene McGrath, Graeme Sutherland Table 4) Dail McGilchrist, Allan Booth, Jo Marshal, Karen Bryant, Peter Campbell, Rod Megahey, Karen Hodge, Anne Nolan Table 5) Geoff Pellizzer, Paul Wood, Lila Mularczyk, Sharon Ford, Deb Summerhayes, Meghanne Wellard, Kay Rigas, Brad Russell, Table 6) Matthew Brown, Bruce Inwood, Sue Low, Mark Anderson, Andrew Eastcott, Christine Tasker, Murray Campbell, Mandy Shaw
“Leading for Excellence - our students, our shared responsibility” Session 3 Outline (continued) School Excellence Framework Jenny Donovan Mark Grant 11:00am Continued table groups for this activity are listed below: Table 7) Frank Potter, Rosemary Davis, Sandra Robinson, Sharon Sands, James Brigden, Margaret Turner, Toni MacDonald, Debbie Lowe Table 8) Karen Jones, Kathleen Donohoe, Mary-Lou O’Brien, Robyn O’Neill, Rebecca Langdon, Garrie Russell, Peter Macbeth Table 9) Robyn Bale, John Selby, Jason Baldwin, Peter Smith, David Robson, Mark Barraket, Troy Mott, Michael Hooker Table 10) Melissa Clements, Lisa Muir, Jennifer Moody, Mark Youngblutt, Cathy Brennan, Denis Armstrong, Rodney Hill Table 11) Marianne Carahalios, Annabelle Taggart, Kay Smith, Steve Harris, Ruythe Dufty, Nick Magriplis, Sean Andrews Table 12) Sylvia Corish, Trisha Ladogna, Lynne Irvine, Tim McCallum, Louise Gallagher, Mark Young, David Lamb Table 13) Cheryl Best, Mark Hoppitt, Karen McSpeerin, Sue Brown, Jan Green, Maria Serafim, Maree Angus Table 14) Suzanne Rothwell, Grant Wargren, Kerri Brickley, Jennifer Murray, Anne Reddie, Christopher Charles, Duncan Auld
“Leading for Excellence - our students, our shared responsibility” Session 4 Outline Division Discussions Georgina Harrisson Murat Dizdar 12:30pm School Operations and Performance – Blackwattle rooms 1, 2 & 3 This session, led by Murat Dizdar, Deputy Secretary, School Operations and Performance will provide an opportunity for the four Operational Directorates and the Leadership and High Performance Directorate to ask questions that they have in relation to the new operational structure and discuss the future work of the Directorate. Educational Services – Cockle Bay room, Level 1 This session will provide an opportunity for Georgina Harrisson, Deputy Secretary, Educational Services to be introduced to the executive staff in the Learning and Business, Learning and Wellbeing, Learning and Teaching, Aboriginal Education and Communities and Learning Management and Business Reform Directorates. Directorates will have the opportunity to outline the scope of the work that they are doing to meet the needs of schools. 1:30pm Lunch
“Leading for Excellence - our students, our shared responsibility” Session 5 Directors Public Schools NSW Directors Educational Services Concurrent Sessions 2:30pm Directors will attend a one of the below sessions based on their table groupings for the School Excellence Framework session. External Validation & Registration – Bruce Inwood - Blackwattle 1 (Table Groups 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5) In this session Bruce will discuss with Directors the findings from the 2016 External Validation and System Registration visits to schools. Bruce will identify the lessons to be learned and outline the actions that can be taken by Directors to ensure that schools have every opportunity to present to a high standard without having to lose focus on the day to day operation of the school. Bruce will discuss exemplars to provide a bench mark for Directors that will help them to assist schools in their pre-visit preparation. SCOUT – Jenny Donovan & Rob Johnston - Blackwattle 2 (Table Groups 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10) In this session, Rob Johnston will provide a demonstration of new features of the SCOUT platform and Jenny and Rob will conduct a Q and A. SCOUT, the department’s new and improved business intelligence tool, is currently being rolled out to a select group of users for quality assurance testing, including all Directors PS. With more data than ever before, Scout is a one-stop-shop for information that will help Directors understand how schools are going within their network, and help school executives understand what’s working in their school, and identify areas for improvement. Directors can find out more about SCOUT by visiting the Scout Intranet or contacting SPaRO, A-Z Policy Implementation Tool – Mark Grant - Blackwattle 3 (Table Groups 11, 12, 13, 14) Mark Grant will lead Directors through the latest developments and future state of the SPaRO and A-Z Policy Implementation Tools. Mark will discuss the expectations on Principals and highlight what Directors can do to provide support and guidance to Principals who are expressing concern.
“Leading for Excellence - our students, our shared responsibility” Session 6 & 7 State Office Directors Directors Public Schools NSW Directors Educational Services Concurrent Sessions 3:10pm Directors will attend a second session. Session outlines are listed in the Session 5 session outlines above. 1) External Validation & Registration – Bruce Inwood - Blackwattle 1 (Table Groups 11, 12, 13 & 14) 2) SCOUT – Jenny Donovan - Blackwattle 2 (Table Groups 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5) 3) SPaRO, A-Z Policy Implementation Tool – Mark Grant - Blackwattle 3 (Table Groups 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10) Session 7 Concurrent Sessions 3:50pm Directors will attend a third session. 4:30pm Networking Function Executive Directors Directors State Office