Swine Breeds
Page 66-68 Write down all the information for each breed next to its pig! Make sure you are next to the right pig! (check the ears) Afterwards, color each pig according to its description. You can use your phones to see more examples when notes are complete!
Berkshire England US breed in 1875 Meat Type Black body with six white points Erect Ears
Chester White USA US breed 1930 Mother Type White hair and skin, Droopy Ears
Chester White
Duroc USA US breed 1957 Meat Type Gold to dark Red, Droopy Ears
Hampshire USA US breed1893 Meat Type Black with white belt around body and front leg, erect ears
American Landrace Denmark US breed 1950 Mother Type White hair, LARGE droopy ears
American Landrace
Poland China USA US breed 1876 Meat Type Black, Six white points, droopy ears
Poland China
Spotted Poland China USA US breed 1914 Meat Type ½ Black ½ White clearly defined spots droopy ears
Spotted Poland China
Tamworth England US breed 1882 Meat Type Light to dark red, erect ears
Pietrain Belgium US breed 1950’s Meat Gray spots, erect ears, heavy muscles
Hereford USA US breed 1934 Meat Type Tan or red, white points,erect ears
Yorkshire England US breed 1935 Mother Type White, erect ears
Time to color! Read your descriptions and color accordingly. Use your phones if you need to see more examples. THEN go back to the “How to make butter” page of your notebook and draw and color a comic strip type. Think about the whole process. You should have at least seven sections.