Welcome back and welcome to the new BSc Psychology programme. Level 8 Induction Welcome back and welcome to the new BSc Psychology programme.
Outline Welcome from Professor Jim McKechnie Psychology Society Year Leader Module Information Questions 3-4pm – direct entry students
Aims of today’s session Give an overview of your new degree programme Role of your Year Leader Information on timetable Importance of attendance Introduce new modules and give information about the assessments
Aims of today’s session Extenuating Circumstances (Mitigation) Student Representatives Personal Development Planning Personal Tutor Groups Enrolment Answer any questions
Overview of new degree programme BSc Psychology BPS core areas Level 7: intro – taster – covered some topics from the core areas - social, cognitive, individual differences Level 8: covers social, cognitive, biological, developmental and research methods Level 9: develops these core areas and also study individual differences Level 10: electives, based on staff research interests, psychological theory and psychology dissertation
Year Leader Year Leader: Dr Lesley Calderwood Email: Lesley.Calderwood@uws.ac.uk Room: M109 Telephone: 0141 848 3895 Office hours – Thursday 10-11am you do not need an appointment during these hours, other times – make an appointment by email or telephone
Timetable/classes 3 psychology modules in second year (1 in Trimester 1 & 1 in trimester 2 and 1 40 credit module that runs over T1 and T2). You will choose 1 additional module per trimester from a choice of social science and science modules depending on what you studied in L7. Lectures and seminars Typically 2 hour slots for lectures per week Typically 1 hour slots for seminars You will be informed about seminar times/groups by module co-ordinators. Personal Study
Optional modules Social sciences Trimester 1: Foundations of Social and Political Thought or Power, State & Citizenship Trimester 2: Global Society, or Social Policy & Social Change Science Trimester 1: Human Biology Trimester 2: Evaluating Forensic Evidence
Timetable – Trimester 1 9-10am 10-11am 11-12pm 12-1pm 2-3pm 3-4pm MON Power, State & Citizenship Lecture TUES Introductory Cognitive and Social Psychology R101 WED THUR Foundations of Social & Political Thought E337 Research Skills in Psychology F124 FRI Human Biology
Timetable – Trimester 2 Biological and Developmental Psychology 9-10am 10-11am 11-12pm 12-1pm 2-3pm 3-4pm 4-5pm MON Biological and Developmental Psychology Lecture TUES Global Society WED Social Policy and Social Change Evaluating Forensic Evidence THUR Research Skills in Psychology FRI
Module Co-ordinators Introduction to Social and Cognitive Psychology: Dr Carrie Ballantyne Carrie.Ballantyne@uws.ac.uk Research Skills in Psychology: Dr Lesley Calderwood Lesley.Calderwood@uws.ac.uk Biological and Developmental Psychology: Dr Ailie Robertson Ailie.Robertson@uws.ac.uk
Reminder about attendance You are expected to attend all classes Make sure you sign the register! Inform school office and module coordinator of any classes that you cannot attend mcs@uws.ac.uk If you do not attend you will receive e-mails/letters asking you to make contact. It is possible that you will be withdrawn from modules for non attendance/ non-engagement. Keep in Touch! Conduct in classes
Assessment Different modules have different types of assessment. (Programme handbook & module handbooks). Deadlines (module handbooks). Extensions – year leader can grant an extension of up to one week for exceptional circumstances such as ill health or personal reasons e.g. bereavement - e-mail year leader where possible before the deadline and copy in the relevant module-coordinator - No extensions for August re-sit diet. Possible Outcomes (check banner) Progression (check banner)
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 6 7 Exam/reass 8 Cog&Social CW 9 10 11 12 Level 8 T1 Psychology Assessment Map (2016) Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 6 7 Exam/reass 8 Cog&Social CW 9 10 11 12 Res Skills CW1 13 14 15/Exam Diet Cog & Social Exam ResSkills CW 1 Qual Portfolio Cog&Social CW Report
Moodle Each module will have a Moodle site Contains module specific information/announcements/assessments etc Check it regularly! Also a general moodle site BSc Psychology with a separate section for L8. Access moodle via http://moodle.uws.ac.uk Also check e-mail and please use your student e-mail for contacting staff.
Extenuating Circumstances Where you believe your performance in an assessment has been adversely affected by extenuating circumstances, such as an illness, then you can submit an EC Form. The University's extenuating circumstance process is online and can be accessed via self-service banner. https://ssb.uws.ac.uk/ The Extenuating Circumstance process guide is available to download in pdf and will guide you through the online process. http://www.uws.ac.uk/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=19327355285 If assistance is required, students are advised to get in touch with the Students' Association www.sauws.org.uk/advice
Becoming a Student Representative I will be in touch over the next couple of weeks to ask for volunteers/see if any of the L7 reps would like to continue their roles. Time commitments but important role. Relates to overall student experience and skill development.
Personal Development Planning Develop key skills and attributes in addition to module specific knowledge. PDP allows you to manage and monitor the development of these key skills. Personal tutor meetings. Also the Library and online help tools. Build an e-portfolio via the online learning environment - mahara.
Personal Tutors You will be allocated a personal tutor and this person will be your PT in L8 and L9. In L10, your PT is your dissertation supervisor. List of PTs on moodle Role of PT - Get to know you Monitor progress PDP Offer advice about academic career Keep appointments!
Online enrolment Enrol online at www.uws.ac.uk/enrol Has everyone enrolled? Has everyone enrolled for the correct modules? Speak to us at the end if you are not sure if you have enrolled on the correct modules.
Any questions?
Research Skills in Psychology Module Coordinator: Dr Lesley Calderwood
Research Skills in Psychology This is a 40 credit module that runs in T1 and T2. This module will teach you the skills that you need to carry out research in psychology throughout your degree, culminating in your individual dissertation in 4th year. There will be a 1 hour lecture and a 2 hour workshop most weeks. The lectures provide you with the theory behind research methods and the workshops provide you with an opportunity to put theory into practice and develop the research skills you will need for ALL of your psychology modules – do not think about this module in isolation.
Research Skills in Psychology In T1, lectures are on Thursday from 12-1pm in F124. Workshops are on Thursdays from 1-3pm, 3-5pm, and on Fridays 12-2pm. Workshop allocation sorted by end of week 2. In T2, lectures are on Thursday from 10-11am and workshops are on Thursdays and Fridays.
Research Skills in Psychology In the lectures, you will learn about the theory behind research methods and yes, statistics! Do not be scared. Purpose of the workshops is to carry out real research and put theory into practice. Study both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. You will gain experience of carrying out an interview, constructing a questionnaire, carrying out an experiment and will learn how to analyse the data using each of these methodologies.
Research Skills in Psychology Assessment: Over the course of T1, you will build up a qualitative portfolio with several pieces of work and this will be submitted in week 12. Worth 40%. Similarly, over the course of T2, you will produce a quantitative portfolio containing several pieces of work and submit this in week 14. Worth 40%. In T2, you will also take part in some research studies that the 4th year dissertation students are carrying out and will then write about the ethical issues involved in carrying out research. Worth 20%, submit in week 9.
Research Skills in Psychology Teaching team Module coordinator Dr Lesley Calderwood Module moderator Dr Chris O’Donnell Other teaching staff – Dr Ailie Robertson, Dr Leanne Fleming Lectures will be delivered in T1 by myself, Dr O’Donnell and Dr Robertson We will also take workshop groups as will Dr Fleming. Some changes to teaching staff in T2.
Research Skills in Psychology Week 2 Lecture will introduce to the idea of Psychology as a science and you will learn key concepts related to carrying out scientific psychological research. Week 3 Workshops – you will form small groups and begin the research process. Literature Review – draw on your skills from USW when evaluating sources. Topics – Applied Psychology: Health and Exercise
Introduction to Cognitive and Social Psychology Overview and Methods Recommended Reading Meyers: Ch 1 Sternberg & Sternberg Ch 1
Overview of Course Two core areas of Psychology Social Cognitive Attendance and Coursework submissions Text books Moodle site- seminar groups, updates etc Assessment CW- experimental report (50%) Exam (50%)
Overview of Course Dr. Carrie Ballantyne (module co-ordinator) Teaching team: Cognitive: Dr. Carrie Ballantyne (module co-ordinator) Dr. Melody Terras Social: Dr. Graham Scott Dr. Leanne Fleming
Cognitive and Social Research Methods Similarities and differences in areas of interest Same Aim: understand and explain behaviour Psychology: Empirical Science Experimental Method Theory and Hypothesis Testing Statistics Standardised reporting Ethics
What is Cognitive Psychology? Study of mental processes involved in making sense of the environment and deciding what action might be appropriate. Aim: Specify the processes and structures involved Assumption: Information Processing Approach Analogy between the mind and a Computer Processing in people resembles that in computers Why Computer? Active processors of information. Trace flow of information through the system Representations, Structure & Process
Tracing the Flow of Information
Cognitive Psychology: Evaluation Limitations Strengths Provides indirect evidence of underlying processes Findings are often paradigm-specific and tasks lack ecological validity Lack of an overarching theoretical framework Ignores individual differences first systematic approach to understanding human cognition Versatile & Sophisticated Methods Methodological impact within Psychology
What is Social Psychology? Aims: Understand behaviour in a social contexts. How behaviour as influenced by other people. “the scientific field that seeks to understand the nature and causes of individual behaviuor in social situations”. (Baron, Byrne & Suls (1989) p. 6).
Main Areas of Social Psychology Social Thinking The self, Beliefs, Attitudes and behaviour Social Influence Conformity & Obedience, Persuasion Social Relations Aggression, Altruism, Relationships People in groups Intergroup relations and prejudice, group influence, social identity
Social Psychology Research Methods Another branch of Psychology, so uses many of the same techniques as Cognitive Psychologists. Experiments Hypothesis testing Quasi-experiments Self-reports Surveys Case studies and Observations Implicit measures Neuroscience Qualitative Approaches Convergence