8-2.4 Compare the perspectives of different groups of South Carolinians during the American Revolution, including Patriots, Tories/Loyalists, women, enslaved and free Africans, and Native Americans.
Patriots Patriots were colonists who supported the Continental Congress and independence. Supported independence from the King Political leaders were wealthy, white men, landowners Supported the American Revolution Lived in the Low Country Volunteered as soldiers to fight in militias with partisan groups
Loyalists Loyalists were those colonists who supported and fought for the British. a.k.a-Tories Supporters of the King and Parliament More in SC than in any other colony (except New York) Did not want to government interference Felt safe and taken care of with the king Most lived in the up country Did not want change
Most African Americans continued to work as slaves on the plantations during the American Revolution. Some served in non-military jobs for the Continental Army. Some fought for the British in response to the promise of freedom.
Native Americans allied with the British in response to the promise of restored lands. Women managed farms and plantations while the men were away; some served as messengers or nurses.
Activities Reading Like a Historian- Loyalists Students will analyze multiple sources to determine political philosophies of those loyal to the King during the Revolution. http://sheg.stanford.edu/loyalists Patriots, Loyalists, or Neutral? You Decide Contains background information on patriots and loyalists. Read descriptions and determining what group the description is discussing. Student will also help decide who would be more likely to be used as a spy by the British. Students have to understand that not everyone was for the Revolution in SC (Standard 8-2.4 first sentence of what is essential to know) Students evaluate multiple points of view of the Amer. Rev. http://www.converse.edu/sites/default/files/site-files/Academics/NEH/PatriotLoyalistorNeutral_YouDecide.pdf
Non Fiction Writing Prompt Why were the Loyalists reluctant to join the American Revolution?